About Moderation

Yeah. It seems this place has quieted down a lot since the SPE founders left. Didn’t take long for the drama to start once one of the worst of the lot decided to return.

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so to be clear on this site calling someone a nazi = weeklong ban

hard n = nothing.

got it! crystal clear now. carry on. I know other sites with similar moderation policies that I also have no desire to post on. stormfront, 8chan, etc. Great work sir.

“guys, this site was so much better before someone started drama by pointing out hard N’s aren’t cool for a site that purports to be leftist!”

- some guy probably


The post that isn’t a post.



Out and about so I haven’t read all of your accusations but uh

This was rehashed ad nauseum. Your post implied I was banned because of that incident. I was not.

While I’m clearing up your lies, btw, the “third” site was spun off not because of that incident, but mostly because people felt uncomfortable about the oreo situation, and the rampant trolling and harassment you covered for here. I’m not a mod over there, or even a TL3 I think, or I would love to ban you. Unfortunately, I’m not part of that site’s admin or moderation in any way. I saw you for what you are a long time ago.

You’re a really pathetic individual with no shame.

Allow me to moderate this argument.

You both are.

Be kind.


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Yeah, I had the sneaking suspicion Ked was trying to upend my worldview.

I’m over here like, these people say magic spells and do actual magic, if they think it’s a bad idea to say a specific dude’s name out loud, they’re not fucking around.


I’m like 99.99% positive they don’t let you say the HARD N on Stormfront and furthermore that if you used it to mock them, like, “Just because you guys stopped saying ■■■■■■ on this site doesn’t change shit, you’re not fooling anybody lol, you know you want to say ■■■■■■ so just say ■■■■■■ lol stop being a bunch of pussy ass cucks,” they’d probably snap ban you.

We should probably censor “pussy ass cucks” while we’re at it.

Not a joke, the bleep function is fine and 99.99% of the time a bleeped bad word conveys the same function as a non-bleeped bad word.

You guys get your rox off on a Saturday night?

choose rather to suffer affliction, than to enjoy the pleasures of butthole for a season

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it’s Sunday morning brother I’ve been had my church clothes on

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I mean, I don’t hang out or read those places so I don’t know. you seem like someone who might know though, so I’ll take your word for it.

I stand corrected.

I mean,