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6ix suspended until Monday for a personal attack


Marty suspended for a week for multiple personal attacks.


Jesus suspended.

This gimmick has potential, but is so far just tangential references to forum drama.

Only a temp. Jesus can come back in…

3 days.


Kerowo temp ban for 1 day for deliberately fanning the flames after being asked respectfully not to.


Created a new thread for bickering in BBV. Moved a bunch of stuff there from the moderation vote thread. Future backward looking derail dramas are likely to end up there too.


Permanently banned @jmakin by his request in About Moderation.

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Smrk banned for 4 weeks for doubling and trippling down on the racism.

Edit. Reduced to 2 weeks based on feedback.

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Churchill banned for a week for trolling the covid thread again.


Watevs banned for two weeks for an unprovoked and unnecessary personal attack. Have your opinions dude. Just dont be a dick with it.

Permanently banned @AccountChocula because it was an alt created to post while banned.


@j8i3h289dn3x7 banned until tomorrow for continued bickering in the About Moderation thread.

David Sklansky perma banned. Theres a thread about it.

Edit. Updated to two weeks while the thread plays out.


Per the vote on bans, @j8i3h289dn3x7’s ban reduced to 2 weeks. @jman220reading silenced instead of banned.

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d2e4 given a two week ban pending a permaban, at his request.

I’m giving Jbro a day off. I was really hoping to make it further without banning anyone so I’ll explain this in semi-depth.

  1. I had very recently given a warning in the same thread, and I think it’s important not to be toothless.
  2. The severity of personal attack levied (supporting the murder of black children) is the type of thing that I don’t want imbedded in any user’s internet search chain. Please feel free to alert me if you have concerns about anything similar happening to you.
  3. The ban is intentionally short because I think Jbro is heated but not a bad poster. I’m following through because of reasons #1 and #2 but I welcome him back tomorrow.
  4. I don’t think I know enough about CN to be particularly biased for or against him, but I promise to keep an eye out for unconscious bias and won’t hesitate to give him a similar judgment in a similar future case.
  5. I could be wrong about this ban! I’m not perfect! I’m making a qualitative judgment call about where to draw the line in support of community. But again, there’s a reason why it’s a one-day ban. This won’t irreparably harm anyone.

Churchill silenced for 2 days for trolling the COVID thread.

ETA: Specifically for bringing up an already refuted study

@Vict0ar given a 4 hour timeout. Intended to take the heat out of the room a little.

This is in response the run of posts in the covid thread that just got moved to french BBV.

All-InFlynn suspended for a day for a personal attack.

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@jman220reading unsilenced because the account was never requested to be banned/silenced.

@d2_e4 Silenced a week for personal attack(s) rapidly after resurfacing. In particular, this one is for implying that another poster is a (insert banned word here).

I’m going to experiment with silencing rather than banning for a while. I think if we’re going to view this community as a valuable resource (which it is), then it’s worthwhile to consider how we can temporarily stop users from negatively impacting it while also allowing them to benefit from continued access.