Deleting and banning accounts upon request

We have someone asking for all their posts and their account to be deleted. A while ago we had a request for a self-permaban (not sure if it came with an account deletion request as well). There is also a software option to Anonymize an account, which seems to be similar to 22’s “Guest”-ing.

  • A new username will be randomly assigned to the user such as anon123456 . This new username will be applied to all their posts in the system, and we will update all @mentions and quotes too.
  • Their email, name, date of birth and avatar will be removed
  • Their user profile will be removed

So what should be do with self-permaban requests?

  • Honour all ban requests
  • Give 14 day temp ban and perma after that if still desried
  • Don’t allow users to self ban
  • Something else (post your idea in the thread)

0 voters

What should we do with account deletion requests?

  • Delete the account and all posts upon request
  • Anonymize account but leave posts with user name anonymized
  • Do not honor account deletion requests
  • Temp ban for cooling off period and then anonymize if still desired
  • Something else (post in thread)

0 voters

Not sure if there are program issues, but a “ban me” thread where the requests can be honored (like there was at the other place) is probably a good idea.

And is there anything about account deletion in the ToS?

I don’t have an opinion, I suppose I’d like to have the option to erase myself from here if I wanted to, but I don’t post here with the expectation that this request would/should be honored, so shrug

Who asked for it?

Will, don’t go!

Nice, the forum’s first “posting illegal pornography to pwn the libs.”

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Christ, is Lirva back on his donkey porn bullshit? IP ban his ass from orbit and it’s not even close.

This is a very mature forum we’ve got here.


Is it really a forum without some inter-species erotica?


I thought Will=Wil with one l from 2p2, which if so i remember him as a good poster.

These self ban requests are so pathetic. It’s a sad cry for attention. Internet attention at that. As if just not posting anymore would be some huge blow to the community. The worst is bitching about the site, not getting your way, and then threatening to leave. I vote leave. See ya!

An adult, with a modicum of self-awareness and maturity, would realize that they don’t get their way all the time in a large diverse, self-regulating, community. They would also realize that if they wanted to take their marbles home they can simply stop posting. Nobody will miss them. No need for a big public show of it!

P.S. in before someone points out I had a temper tantrum along these lines on 2+2 a few years ago. Personal growth ftw.


Agree with everything except the bit about nobody will miss them. I don’t think I’ve ever directly interacted with Jbro but I liked his posting and will miss it. Too bad, but the drama levels are ridiculous.

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“Delete the account and all posts on request”

My understanding is the only way we can do this is go through their entire history and manually delete each individual post. If somebody wants to go through the trouble to do that with their own account, fine. But I’m sure as hell not doing it, nor would I expect any other mod or admin to.

Who else is in the habit of sending the mods donkey porn?

I wasn’t aware anyone had this specific proclivity.

It also can remove a lot of context from existing threads. So even if this could be done by the click of a button I’d be hesitant to grant such a request except in extreme circumstances.

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In that case sure it’s good. I was talking about the situation where they are taking their marbles and going home over a tantrum.

If I understand it correctly, you are talking about temporary self-bans while the conversation started in regard to permanent self-ban requests.