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But the programming thread is OK to be Goofy’s personal grievance blog


So you really love lying. That’s nice.

I was reporting a personal attack in a supposedly high content thread so it could be moderated.

Well I am shocked.

Hopefully all it takes for the drama and incessant whining to stop is just a few more people to leave.

Also how dare someone leave unstuck, create another place to post, and then return to unstuck to post again. Definitely can’t see anyone doing that for more than a day. Definitely not for years!

Congrats on your nomination and GL in the vote! I hope you bring to moderation the same quality work you bring to this bit you guys are doing.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Log of Key Moderator Actions

So Goof Baller programmed his forum bots to do his creepy following all around the forum trolling a user for him. That at least has an element of humor. Not sure how the members will feel about that going on in their threads. Hey @eyebooger, some quality goofyball work happening.

lol that’s hilarious


Yesterday it was “wah wah wah goofyballer turned off his bots” and today it’s “wah wah wah goofyballer made his bots call vict0ar a scammer” I guess he should just change their avatars to call vict0ar a scammer then everyone would be content.


Wait, the $90 avatar isn’t making fun of Victur for being too cheap to pay off his debts?

Apparently I was way ahead of the curve on banning the Trump bot

No, it’s laughing that they “got away with it” more or less.

@MaxCut very cute


omg this is amazing ty for bringing attention to it




Let’s take a trip down deleted user memory lane

From the Self Temp Ban Request Thread

The discussion then moved over to the Donations thread

So now ■■■■■■■ has hinted that goofy isn’t going to pay up and it’s all a ruse to get him banned, let’s see where this goes

:thinking: I wonder if this will go anywhere

Again accusing goofy of angling to get him banned with no intention of sending him the $90.

For the tl;dr crowd, the key points here are the first and last quoted post.


can you point out the extortion?

the threat of continued posting I think

Sorry, poor choice of words on my part. I deleted the post so as not to impugn Vict0ar’s stellar reputation.



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Leftism is when the rich posters pay the poor posters to go away.

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