About Moderation

That was just an argumentative technique that was dropped in favor of not talking about reg-Gay in regards to all this.

That you had to add this speaks to the absolute state of affairs.

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I think you have lost the plot tbh.

I have no beef with Vic or goofy but equating that transaction with real life stuff is wild.

Brother, everything is everything. I don’t see an important difference between online and IRL. Not sure if I’m equating what you think I am, but I might be.


No one here is doing the leftism or the whateverism.

This is a largely inconsequential space on the internet. That’s what I’m saying. Acting like goofy cant be a true leftist because he paid vic $90 upon request is absurd af. (No i do not know goofy’s political beliefs)

I shouldn’t have started this because I’m too high for a heart to heart right now, but I didn’t mean to imply anything about who is or isn’t a true leftist and I don’t think that this place we have spent hundreds or thousands of hours at together is inconsequential for us.


This was cute the first time and all but moving forward @otatop in the future can we make impersonating a user like this grounds for a perma IP ban? A lot of us have built up trusted relationships over the years and even met one another irl; a malicious actor successfully stealing a long-term reg’s identity could engage with some serious fuckery and none of the users here should be expected to tolerate that shit for a second. I’m grateful that you caught this when you did.



No but srsly,

it occurs to me that you should’ve tried to do something to help not get it to this point, instead of, like, the opposite. For the sake of conversation do you have any self-reflective thoughts on this?

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Also can we please give goofyballer a week ban for his repeated use of racially insensitive slurs against the Welsh, an entirely honorable people known for their gift of poetry and song.

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To put a finer point on it,

You/we had built up a trusted relationship with MaxCut going back years, and it’s wildly disrespectful that you’d think he’d do something malicious, as opposed to just for the lulz. Bear in mind this isn’t an endorsement of the lulz (in fact, I think I… disapprove of these specific lulz) but it is saying settle the fuck down and have some self-reflection for once.


This mf really pulled the “built up trusted relationship(s) over the years” card like holy fuck it’s so close to getting it.

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Time for a reminder that the only malicious shit to happen is that Jmakin actually “doxxed” Victor and contacted his job to attempt to get him fired or are we just gonna keep living in crazytown?

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it keeps them occupied here instead of peeing all over the rest of the site


Bro ain’t nobody trying to pee on you when you’re watching your spandex boys run around man settle down.

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That’s weird, I make a heavy-duty post and suddenly Pvn barges in talking about wanting to get peed on, like, one of those long post-coffee peepees, and I gotta say it feels like an oRcHeStRaTeD distraction.

You two don’t have to leave the site but come get your boy and go whine in another thread.

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Was there any follow-up on this? Just curious if I missed something.

No follow-up yet. Discussions are still ongoing.


Isn’t one of your only jobs to share this info with members of a community-owned site?

The other job being policing the Pets Of Unstuck thread for anybody posting h0rse pr0n, which, goddamn stellar job no sarcasm, in case people were under the impression this is all negative criticism.