The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

This is literally the left’s plan against naked aggression:

Just without the premeditated last step.


That looked like the plan used by Capitol Police except at the end they just held the door for them.

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I’m joking in invoking 4chan memes, of course, but if their objective was to seize political power or overthrow the government, they were utterly unprepared and failed miserably. I absolutely agree that they used terrifying and illegal violence–trespassed, broke & entered, assaulted, menaced, whatever you want–and that the situation was extremely hostile and dangerous, but it seems to me that the powers that be are all unharmed and still in power. I’d only heard about 1 death.

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Yeah I’m sure if we give the state even more tools to go after extremists it’ll be used the right way this time around. The problem before was the DHS and FBI didn’t have the right tools and laws to really go after the guys who plan government takeovers and threaten lives


And maybe the best foreshadowing:


Yeah we have no shortage of laws, the problem is that the cops agree with the terrorists.




I also woke up this morning and considered ourselves extremely lucky. Seems like a huge missed opportunity for an enterprising foreign terrorist to have been in this riot with a bomb vest and detonating himself inside the House, taking out a bunch of trumpers as well as part of the building.

l would imagine there’s a bunch of cells planning on doing something like that if this happens again.

Why is this second impeachment taking so long. Get it fucking done

This is the derpers on chiefsplanet’s take basically.

Probably because 90% of the Dem party is complicit/incompetent and never intends to do anything other than tweet and give TV interviews.

They should have voted Thursday morning.


I was feeling left out until the end.

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Probably because they don’t have the votes in the Senate and they know it.

If they do it and fail, Trump has even more immunity to be completely insane.

Making the Republicans vote on it seems like a political win if nothing else. Some will defect, but most wont. There is also the symbolism of, I dunno, actually doing the right thing regardless of the political calculus.


I appreciate the humor and the point, but there is a squishy center between “ACAB” and “MAGA.” And right now the dems totally have won over a decent chunk of it. See, ie: all suburbs everywhere, but especially Georgia. There’s definitely some more that can be picked up by messaging off of “trump’s people murdered a cop.” There is literally no downside to messaging off of it, because the defund the police group don’t want cops murdered either.

If they don’t have the votes in the Senate it might be good for the house to impeach and then the Senate can schedule a trial at any time and vote on it on a few hours notice if shit gets too crazy.

God I fucking hate Republicans so much. They are worse than traitors. Just absolute fucking scum. These motherfuckers deserve whatever fate causes them the most immense and lasting personal anguish. Just complete pieces of shit. Mitt excepted.


There’s a caucus call at noon today after which they’re expected to announce that everyone needs to come back to DC.

I’m stupid but I’m holding out hope that Pence is going to shiv him unexpectedly.

Like 0.05% hope.