The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

There is likely violence to come, but it’s not going to result in a successful coup.


No, I don’t expect a coup. Never have. Just violence.

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I know a Proud Boy. He brags about having over 500K rounds of ammo. He’s been stocking up for years. He’s a business owner and employs about 10 people. He has admitted that his life will not change with Biden being President. He ain’t gonna do shit. The vast majority of Trump supporters live sheltered lives where they have the convenience to whine about things they don’t like. 99.99% of them aren’t going to do something that will intentionally make their own lives harder. Yes, there will be random nutjobs making mayhem but most are cowards.

He’s a business owner. I think that changes things. The line level guys that are working for $15-$20/hr see Biden’s presidency as an existential threat to themselves. I think that changes the equation.

Found it on twitter and seems real. I don’t think they’ve said anti fascists before but this is probably their new line after their recent internal struggles where one of their main members was tired of not being able to say they are a nazi org. Full mask off at this point and the president loves it folks

I think there’s a good chance on Dec. 14 after the states certify, they will invent another theory about how Trump will prevail before Jan. 20, then on Jan 20 after Biden is sworn in yet ,another theory created and so on.


They ain’t giving up their lives for $15/hr because of Biden.

I hope you guys are right. I’d definitely prefer no violence. But I’m continuing to stock up just in case we’re completely house-ridden for awhile (covid also!).

Eleven thanks for asking.

There is always a chance that some hostile idiot or just neglectful bigot makes a mistake that costs lives and fans flames that burst into a wildfire. That can go both ways.

But for the most part, those atrocities happen at such scale that they will never disrupt the modern paradigm and life as most of us know it. It will either be a part of our story or a part of the news, but it won’t be new, and the people who do anything won’t inspire a nationwide violent coup.

Knock on wood. It’s just so rare.

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The matt chistman analogy is microwave popcorn. One or two will always pop early and you’ll never know which it’ll be but we’re not at the stage of full popping just yet. America going from 400 mass shootings a year to 500 isn’t going to disrupt things too much.


The world would be a better place if all of these moronic alternate reality enthusiasts had just discovered LARPing or DnD instead of Fox News. Maybe @boredsocial can figure out how to make this happen in the future.


Please elaborate

Sure, but how do you organize it? What exactly do you think will happen?

You’re one to talk.


I mean we know for sure that the FBI thought they were a large and growing threat and the Trump administration is actively blocking a crack down.

I think it’s important for people not intentionally exposed to the RWNJ’s that the ones we all know are not, by any means, the most extreme or dangerous ones. The ones that scare the shit out of me the worst wear uniforms at their day job. There are a whole lot of them.

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This is like the Nathan For You summit ice ad campaign. Concede nothing.

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