The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces



No backsies!




Daddy is so powerful and STRONG, yet the libs were still able to fix the vote. Sad!


I’m pretty shook. Tweets this morning are --><-- close to inciting violence, “real patriots must take to the streets to prevent the stolen election” type stuff. Next 2 months is going to be brutal. There is zero doubt he is going to attempt a coup, its not going to be old man tweeting from the toilet stuff, he’s going to try to get people to keep him in power.

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I assume he already has… but the military has already spoken so he’s not going to get any takers. Mark Miley was the FL of the coup, if Trump lost him it was all over. And what’s worse is that all of the other people who might have maybe in a weird way considered it know this.

I hope someone who wants immunity from future federal prosecution taped Trump trying to get them to carry out a coup as a precaution. I’m looking forward to that tape.

I’m pretty annoyed with the social media companies that they haven’t fully deplatformed him already. For people who are constantly proclaiming how much better they make the world they sure don’t mind blood on their hands. Actually I take that back, it’s exactly what you expect from people who talk about what great people they are constantly.

I have zero concern now. I was worried about a lot violence before the election, but if was going to try something he would have done it already before the votes got counted. If there was going to be mass violence it already would have happened or be happening.

Then again the delusion is so strong with them they think he’s going to win in court still. So maybe thats why they’re holding off, when it finally hits the most delusional ones who knows.

I feel like he’s phoning this in so he can just say he won and it was rigged and never has to admit defeat and he can continue grifting and not be seen as a loser and possibly run in 2024. Plus the military clearly isn’t on his side.

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Lol fuck you man I was just about to email that last tweet to bovada


This doesn’t make you queasy?

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Pence ain’t gonna do shit. None of this matters. The only thing that matters is at noon on January 20th, Biden is sworn in.

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Nah dude they aren’t gonna try some insane shit like legit throw out the will of the people. Pence loves Trump but he’s an establishment guy. He’s not going to burn down the country, lose the support of all their major financial backers etc.

Plus I’m pretty sure that’s just ceremonial. All the states would have certified their results by then. Pence can’t just be like well I declare Trump the winner!


They’re all just placating Trump because he controls their futures. Couple mean tweets by him could sink Republicans totally. They will lick his boots, but they aren’t going to try a legit coup for him and literally risk their lives.

Their only shot was the supreme court giving them the victory. They just can’t on their own just decide to declare Trump the winner lol. And its pretty clear the court is not going to do that, there are no legit lawsuits that could even make it to them.

Wonder if Trump eventually feels betrayed by the courts and lashes out.

That said I do think there will be a lot of right wing terrorism mostly perpetrated by small groups or single gunman, but it won’t be an organized effort.

He will. He’s practically frothing at the mouth over Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrahms being in collusion. He’s 100% gonna say that elections don’t matter if it’s rigged.

I don’t see an event coming that will trigger a concession. The vote of the electoral college probably won’t do it. Losing all the court challenges won’t do it. I don’t foresee him randomly coming to his senses. So what’s going to keep him from declaring victory and staying in the White House as long as possible? I assume he’ll stay until January 20th at noon. Maybe the Secret Service convinces him to leave a few hours earlier on the pretense that they’re just taking him on a golf outing.

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They should just change the locks on the WH while he’s out golfing and throw all his stuff out on the yard. Have the municipal sheriff greet him on his return.


Yea that transition is gonna be interesting. You know Donny Dum Dum won’t allow people to pack or associate with Biden. Plus Biden is gonna have to fumigate the White House before moving in.

Counterpoint: He has twice in the last two days come really close to accidentally admitting Biden won. He’s not doing jack shit right now except tweeting. Lone wolf violence is possible, but an overt coup? That seems really really really unlikely at this point.

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I’m glad someone else feels this way.

We’re like a dozen tweets away from Trump saying to just go ahead and shoot the radical left antifa scum and he’ll pay/handle the criminal charges.


He is a coward and most of his fans are cowards. Being scared of everything is what makes someone a trump fan.

Sure there might be isolated violence but we are close to drawing dead to widespread violence and a coup is like 10,000:1.


The videos posted about the EC counting procedure reminded me that objections can be raised if one Rep and one Sen objects. I wonder if Trump will clear that hurdle. 25%?