The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I don’t see an event coming that will trigger a concession. The vote of the electoral college probably won’t do it. Losing all the court challenges won’t do it. I don’t foresee him randomly coming to his senses. So what’s going to keep him from declaring victory and staying in the White House as long as possible? I assume he’ll stay until January 20th at noon. Maybe the Secret Service convinces him to leave a few hours earlier on the pretense that they’re just taking him on a golf outing.

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They should just change the locks on the WH while he’s out golfing and throw all his stuff out on the yard. Have the municipal sheriff greet him on his return.


Yea that transition is gonna be interesting. You know Donny Dum Dum won’t allow people to pack or associate with Biden. Plus Biden is gonna have to fumigate the White House before moving in.

Counterpoint: He has twice in the last two days come really close to accidentally admitting Biden won. He’s not doing jack shit right now except tweeting. Lone wolf violence is possible, but an overt coup? That seems really really really unlikely at this point.

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I’m glad someone else feels this way.

We’re like a dozen tweets away from Trump saying to just go ahead and shoot the radical left antifa scum and he’ll pay/handle the criminal charges.


He is a coward and most of his fans are cowards. Being scared of everything is what makes someone a trump fan.

Sure there might be isolated violence but we are close to drawing dead to widespread violence and a coup is like 10,000:1.


The videos posted about the EC counting procedure reminded me that objections can be raised if one Rep and one Sen objects. I wonder if Trump will clear that hurdle. 25%?

Oh just the proud boys saying the day of the rope is coming

It’s still just noise. Do you really think MAGA is going to kill millions of Americans because Trump wrote an angry tweet? C’mon man.

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For the derps on my social media, there isn’t one of them that believes that Trump won’t be president on 1/20/21. They absolutely have not accepted the Trump loss. They absolutely 100% believe that Trump is going to prevail in court or when the secret about dominion voting machines comes out.

The electoral votes are certified on what, Dec 14? Thats when I figure the shit hits the fan.

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So? Their defining characteristic is believing dumb things.

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For the Trump supporters, this is almost better than him just winning. When he’s still President on 1/21/21, it will be almost like a biblical prophecy.


Again, this is a cult. Cults have managed to get their followers to suicide themselves while awaiting the spaceship to carry them off or whatever the fuck.

Fucking the Bundy’s managed to get a few dozen assholes to hole themselves up in a federal building and have a standoff with federal officers and get a couple of themselves killed.

You guys don’t think that out of the million or whatever proud boys folks there aren’t a few thousand that can be drummed up to start shooting? I"m guessing if you’re a proud boy there’s already a 90% chance you have a bunch of pent up sexual frustration that is waiting to get out. This looks like a way to do it.

I’m still shook, and I still think there’s a good batch of violence to come.




There is likely violence to come, but it’s not going to result in a successful coup.


No, I don’t expect a coup. Never have. Just violence.

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I know a Proud Boy. He brags about having over 500K rounds of ammo. He’s been stocking up for years. He’s a business owner and employs about 10 people. He has admitted that his life will not change with Biden being President. He ain’t gonna do shit. The vast majority of Trump supporters live sheltered lives where they have the convenience to whine about things they don’t like. 99.99% of them aren’t going to do something that will intentionally make their own lives harder. Yes, there will be random nutjobs making mayhem but most are cowards.

He’s a business owner. I think that changes things. The line level guys that are working for $15-$20/hr see Biden’s presidency as an existential threat to themselves. I think that changes the equation.

Found it on twitter and seems real. I don’t think they’ve said anti fascists before but this is probably their new line after their recent internal struggles where one of their main members was tired of not being able to say they are a nazi org. Full mask off at this point and the president loves it folks