The C-Word

Going to be way more deaths and suffering, both directly, and indirectly, as a result of COVID, including in Africa, but this isn’t the place to continue this stupidity, and in any event, that wasn’t the point, the whataboutism was the point.

Well, at least you’re not one to bear a grudge about micro backing me up over a minor point in a long-since closed thread 12 months ago.

Lol, the point was that you don’t mind the mod who banned you because he agrees with you 95 percent of the time.

I think perhaps it’s time to move on from grudges in threads from yesteryear that no one can remember fully.

Was that really the root cause of everything? A post comparing covid death rates with malaria? Seriously?

I mean…I know we clashed over other silly things like holidays etc but that was later I think and related to Africa.


I’m not able to be online more than this for a few hours. I’ll look at stuff later.

It’s nice to agree with you. Please can you remind me why “commonwealth” wasn’t banned for doing exactly that to nunnehi?

I mostly have whatev’s on ignore so I can’t comment on his posting. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s crossed the line into full-on shitposting.

All fair points, thanks.

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Grunching - lol a couple hundred unread post

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Ok I completely cannot tell what’s real and what’s sarcasm. I actually like this comment either way.


Fuck you all I went back and read it after make fun of everyone


Wouldn’t you also deserve the same for doing it to him and to jman? I even asked you to lay off and let it go and you accused me of being a jman gimmick account.

And I hope you can see that I’ve also defended you when I think you’ve gotten the short stick. I know nobody is as unbiased as they think they are, but I’ve really tried to be. (To the point where I got carried away and was unfair to the mods.)

Suzzer should be ridiculed for using right wing talking points vs his vacaaaaaaaaaay!!!

I get the points you’re making and believe me, I do appreciate the honesty you’ve shown at various times when the fashionable thing around here, given the herding nature of “societies”, would’ve been not to.

I think there’s a difference between deliberately stalking someone relentlessly from one thread to the next firing questions and accusations at them, and what jman and I have been guilty of at times (which is why I didn’t cite the latter), but I’m not claiming it was good behaviour from either of us and I’m not proud of it.

■■■■ is now bleeped in the software. If there are other words you want bleeped - please make a topic with a poll.

If this change is upsetting or not tolerable, please feel free to make a new topic with poll.


It’s gonna get used more now, IMO.

But I shall resist the testing of this new feature

Paging Marty…

This sort of thing is bad posting.

“I can’t see anything this person’s done but I’m going to attack him anyway”.


As you well know, this person has a long history of abusive posting so I think I’m not being unreasonable in making some basic assumptions here.