Should Unstuck Politics Implement a Profanity Filter

Should Unstuck Politics Implement a Profanity Filter
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If we vote yes, we can decide which words to add to the filter in later discussions.

Fuck no


This is not a fair way to phrase the question. The question is, should we implement a profanity filter on the word ■■■■■■

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That would have been a fair way to phrase the question if the profanity filter had not already been implemented without first consulting the community.


A profanity filter has already been added, I think without most forum users knowing about it. A reasonable first step is voting to see if a filter should be added at all, then decide on which words to add.


Nonsensical? I’m just following the instructions of the admin account in the ■■■■ thread.

Indeed. Thanks. But I do not think this poll really addresses the issue at hand.

I do not want to get embroiled in this - but the poll was in the c-word thread. It got a decent number of responses. In the past, 40ish responses has been enough to make major community decisions. I was made admin of this site with 50 votes in a poll that was buried within the about administration thread. I think, honestly, that this is not that big of a deal. I offered to make the c-word poll a banner - it did not get traction, so I did not do it. I am not going to just make major admin actions on my own unless they involve technical details no one cares about. There was community feedback and support from the staff, so I implemented it.

Now, if people vote down a profanity filter in this thread, I do not think it gives any kind of insight on how we should deal with this. As it is stated, it seems dishonest at worst and misleading at best.

Cock, balls

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Who runs the admin account?

wait, you’re jmakin? You voted twice in that poll? WTF.

Does my poll wording not give the whole picture of the debate in the ■■■■ thread? Only to the extent that people vote in this poll who were unaware of the decision being made in that thread. Which is obviously part of the point I’m making: I think it was dishonest to bury that decision in the thread and not bring it to the attention of the forum.


Who decides what’s profanity and what isn’t? Will there be a Profanity Commission?

Yes there will be. I will be head commissar.

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If I did, I assure you it was an accident. The decision to bury it in the thread was not mine - I don’t make these decisions. I offered to make it a banner. That got no traction. I am just here to implement what the community wants. If the community decides the ■■■■ filter is too much, I will remove it happily. I don’t think this poll is going to accomplish that - it is asking about a profanity filter, which makes it sound like we want to ban the words fuck and shit and peepee.

It’s what happens when you don’t set any adult boundaries.

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I objected to that poll’s placement before the decision. What are you talking about?


You voted twice in this poll too.

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Just stick a good faith poll on the front page and abide by the result. Don’t generalise one to the extent it can be misinterpreted or bury one in a thread most folk can’t be arsed with.

This isn’t hard.


me. I am trying to make admin-related posts on that account, and jmakin posts on this account. Admittedly I am not doing a great job of it, but I am trying. I don’t want people to confuse jmakin the poster with jmakin the admin. This account has zero admin privileges and is what I spend 99% of my time on.

Sorry, I think it is a bug - I honestly do not know why it is happening. I have multiple windows open with different logins, and discourse software gets very confused. Sometimes I will be on the jmakin account and I will get a post flag notification that I’ll be unable to view - so the software is obviously confused.

I assure you, it is not intentional. How stupid would that be? Just subtract my vote.

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