The C-Word

I get the points you’re making and believe me, I do appreciate the honesty you’ve shown at various times when the fashionable thing around here, given the herding nature of “societies”, would’ve been not to.

I think there’s a difference between deliberately stalking someone relentlessly from one thread to the next firing questions and accusations at them, and what jman and I have been guilty of at times (which is why I didn’t cite the latter), but I’m not claiming it was good behaviour from either of us and I’m not proud of it.

■■■■ is now bleeped in the software. If there are other words you want bleeped - please make a topic with a poll.

If this change is upsetting or not tolerable, please feel free to make a new topic with poll.


It’s gonna get used more now, IMO.

But I shall resist the testing of this new feature

Paging Marty…

This sort of thing is bad posting.

“I can’t see anything this person’s done but I’m going to attack him anyway”.


As you well know, this person has a long history of abusive posting so I think I’m not being unreasonable in making some basic assumptions here.




Cnut the Great

@jmakin Looks like you also need to add the plural version to the filter.

What shitty software. Honestly. It can’t bleep a substring? really? A fucking substring?

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Dolphins are aquatic untoward mammals

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Fixed the issue.



Not really - you’re filtering the whole string now. That said “S*unthorpe”


Yes, this was intentional. I put a wildcard before and after the word. So words like “crag" and "thunderc” won’t slip through.

I do not see any other way to do this right now. I will troubleshoot it.

Can you put in a regex?

Yes, probably, but I’m working at the moment - I will troubleshoot it.

What if you’re from ■■■■■■■■■■■

S c u n t h o r p e

If anyone wants to supply a regex, go for it, I’m terrible at regex. But this will have to do for now.