The C-Word

I am not blaming you for anything. I just marvel at how a single bump post turned in this absurdity. If this whole situation wasn’t so toxic it could almost make one laugh.

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It is making quite a few people laugh, judging by the results of the lurker’s poll.

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Let’s not set a precedent for having binding polls in long threads that most posters are smart enough to avoid.

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Yeah, quite frankly, a few people ITT need to lighten up, IMO. It’s a debate on whether a bad word should be censored, we’re not working out nuclear non-proliferation treaties here.

I’m not asking for this but if I were a mod I would just lock this and end it. If people have specific questions about what is exactly allowed they should be allowed to ask in good faith within the moderation thread. I would err towards not filtering the words as people voted for it and even if they chose wrong it is what it is. People who take personal attacks outside of the thread should be dealt with fairly.

This isn’t like a “you get to vote once every four years and must live with the situation.” Several posters have now clearly indicated they would change their votes. The continued use of this word, including in some cases to clearly troll and offend other people, has changed the calculus, IMO.

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Stop agreeing with me in public! We’ll never get away with our cunning master plan if you make it so obvious what’s going on.

Start a thread then

Sorry boss, forgot.

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There already is a thread! You want multiple fucking threads for “the small group of posters from the UK who like to follow around certain posters to troll them” to troll across?

which is why i wanted to make it a banner, but, that got no traction

What usually happens if a discussion is forced to end this way is that it will be picked up again in multiple other threads. I think it’s better to have it contained in one place.

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I don’t want any threads about this. But if you’re going to have a vote about a forum rule the forum should know it is happening.


So you can find another thread that’s been dead for 23 days to bump?


My ridiculous performance in the early COVID thread where I was the first person here, in January last year, to say how serious it could get if governments don’t lock down?

Yeah that was totally ridiculous of me. If only I’d thought about predicting nuclear war instead.

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What if it was confined first and then locked?

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L was like two weeks ago!

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No, the performance where you whatabouted malaria.

400,000 deaths every year is an order of magnitude worse than covid.

Perhaps you don’t agree because it doesn’t affect you and you’ve never seen its debilitating effects on survivors close up.