The C-Word

Cool. The rest of my post stands.

You’re talking to a poster named dogsballs.

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“in the US.”
“in the US”
“in the US”

It’s all context,

From a poster named dogsballs.

Since you’re grunching this thread I’ll quote my post here in hopes that you sincerely consider this perspective, which is what Wookie was getting at with his post.

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His name may be a reference to balls that a dog plays fetch with. Probably not a big deal and shouldn’t immediately discount whatever he says.

you do pleasure travel during pandemics rofl

Right. In the US its right up there with some of the most offensive words going. Which means since people from the US post here when its used it will highly offend some people.

Personally i change my language in all kinds of situations. Work, at grandmas house, when im in public places. A public forum fits right into those situations. Seems polite and courteous to not use words which highly offend people.

If someone from another country told me something i was saying was something they would rather me not say around them id stop.

I would miss Marty using it though when he gets going.


On this forum. So, we’ll put you down for “fuck your feelings” then.

@SensiblePerson has a sensible post I agree with.

We have precious few women on this forum. Diverse perspectives are good. If the C-word is offensive or a micro-aggression to them, which I can totally see, then it’s really stupid for us to allow it imo. Just star the thing out or whatever.


I just don’t fucking get why saying ■■■■ is so fucking important to the UK crowd. My initial vote was for omg who the fuck cares. My vote is now to ban the word to stop this fuckery. Jebus christ.


Because words are important and you need strong words sometimes.

Why are asshole and douche important to Americans?

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It’s reds under the beds all over again.

You take several disparate individuals who barely knew each other before you started demonising them, lump them together in some imagined “clique” because of disagreements with your centrist poster boy, then it’s easy to start banning them all.

Next up: SenorKeeed/Watevs/Victoar, are you or have you ever been British?

I know most of the centrists/rightists here hate me (and I’m ok with that) because I can’t help reminding them that the reason they ended up with Trump is that there are too many Americans like them (never mind the 75M)…let the purge begin with a ban on our language.


You’re not aware of very much here, are you?

No wonder I keep forgetting you’re a mod and thinking there are only four - you hardly ever post and when you do I sometimes confused you with ggoreo for some reason (name similarity I guess).

I don’t hate sky or anyone else here, despite what you might like to think. People making bad choices doesn’t make them worthy of hate.

**** all profanity, and personal attacks get you a ban. Problem solved.


When the US MIC drag your country into an illegal war despite millions turning out to protest against it, and the end result is, just as everyone predicted, a total clusterfuck and numerous terrorist attacks on your own streets and your local schools are shut down on 7/7 (look it up) and you have to console a child sent home from school terrified about what’s just happened and try to explain to them why they shouldn’t feel unsafe despite the horrific scenes on TV maybe, just maybe, you’ll understand why people abroad hate the US military so much and hate to see people glorifying it.

Empathy, what is it?

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The forum seems to have some desire for stronger modding, but uncertainty as to what that looks like.

I’m fine with letting skydiver mod her way for a bit, then put it to a vote on whether people like the results.

But, really, people need to treat flagged posts and timeouts as not that big of a deal.

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I can relate to this except:

I don’t quite understand what this means to the posters from the UK/Ireland means I’m going to be humble and try.

I did vote to bar the word in the first place, not because it bothers me, but because it was important to some other people here.

If ~everyone tried to make their posts itt with the objective of making this forum better, this fuckery would end quickly.

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I think it might be a little bit complicated.

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It’s not about the C word, it’s about sources of forum drama.

Please expand.