The C-Word

We did recently* vote for more moderation, but this specific c word issue is I guess settled by the poll in OP, although Wookie you genius? next time we just need yes/no voting options for this kind of thing

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I actually think more options would have been better. With an issue like this one, that obviously affects a small minority much more than a large minority, extra poll options to highlight the feelings of people who feel most strongly and are most impacted is necessary to highlight their particular concern rather than having them washed out by the majority.

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I would also vote differently. Another poll?

Let’s throw in a solution poll as well. If c*** is moderated, would you prefer:

A) mods delete/edit/give infractions for its use
B) let the forum software bleep it out
C) gregorio’s solution for people who don’t want to see the word

and maybe, maybe D) Implement a plugin so that the word is spoilered.

Sorry Trumpers you can’t change the election results.


Let me translate for y’all with a political analogy.

Fidget are Republicans, the c-word is the filibuster, and skydiver is Joe Manchin finally getting tired of stupid BS preventing good things from happening and embracing the nuclear option.


Of the 2 main options that were voted on, “dont moderate” got 31 votes, and “moderate” got 25 votes.

This is barely a plurality. We have a few swing voters that have already said they would change their vote. I voted “I have another opinion that I’m sharing below” because of the wordage of the poll options did not allow me to choose the 2 main ones. I think if the options were simpler, and less nuanced, we would get a clear consensus on this.

So if me and goofyballer switched votes, that’s 29-27 already. I wouldn’t be surprised if we took this poll again, that the “moderate” side would probably win out. There’s nothing around here that says any poll can only be made a single time and the results are final. Situations change, people are fluid.

Come on. Look at all the choices and do a little math and it’s clear that no moderation was a significant majority.

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The forum equivalent of Uhaul trucks full of votes. J/k, but honestly any poll that doesn’t have a run off until 50% is somewhat suspect, but basically people already voted so whatever 48%+ of the forum has the dumbs in my opinion.

No, I don’t see it. If we take the people who voted “I don’t really buy into the idea of bad words and dont think they should be subject to moderation” and add them to the “no moderation” group, we get 38 votes. The “generally oppose” moderation group seems like they could go either way, given the wordage of that poll option. But let’s add them anyway. That’s just 43 votes for no moderation, of the ~200-250 daily active users on the site.

But if it’s really that big of a landslide, let’s just do it again, and add the middle ground option of “bleep it out.”

If there are a few people here already saying they changed their minds, I’m willing to bet there are others. There are a lot of votes on the other options that could swing it the other way, and this situation is untenable now. This is not an issue ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE INTERNET. IT’S A SOLVED PROBLEM.


Sorry for yelling.

I would like to point out though on this site the users OWN the site. On 2p2 would you ban Mason so easily? When the polls say something those are instructions from ownership.


Who cares about number of votes versus total site users? The poll actually received a significant number of votes and the “no moderation” categories add up to about 64 percent. I voted to moderate it, but know when to take a loss.


@anon10387340 - i don’t see how you get 64%, but I’m too lazy and buzzed to go through it all again. I’ll just take you at your word.

I don’t disagree with that. That doesn’t change my 64 percent math, because the use cases being argued about on the forum all fall within the 64 percent.

I mean, why give the mod’s more work and invariably piss people off when they get banned for using the word. The simplest solution is just to **** th word. Then it turns the whole thing into a nothingburger and we can get back to arguing over gamestop stonks.


give me the word and we can flip the switch. Is anyone even opposed to this idea? Besides maybe jalfrezi?

Totally 100% grunch here, jjust replying from the first post but I’m I’m fairly sure Marty
and smaccc are close to my position (not having read their input).
Background: I’m west of Scotland, mostly Glasgow.

I’ve been called ■■■■ by my friends more than 90% of of the time. And that’s ok. Just 10% by actual haters in certain situations.
It might be seen as sexist in the US but it’s not here. Males and females are ■■■■■■

My wife is American and she’s started using the word (very occasionally, but appropriately).

I’m not gonna read past post #3 but look forward to replies and just co-sign me for Marty and smacc obv



If it wasn’t obv, 90% of the time I’ve been called ■■■■■
They don’t call me ■■■■ 90% of the time…

…but sometimes that’s close when we play basketball.

Censor the C-Word?

Should the C-word be turned into “****”?

I’m strongly in favor. Some people are bothered by it quite a bit. Most people don’t care that much. I think few people feel that it would be a big problem if it were asterisks. I think that when people from the UK/Ireland or places who say “this MP is a ****” the other people from there will understand what they mean and the people from other places will insert their own appropriate word. That’s superior communication!

I would like to see people support those who want it censored and show that you make them feel more comfortable and that they post that they think it’s important to do that and it will help us all get along better.

Whether or not other words are also censored is a separate issue and I think deserves a fair hearing and I’m very happy to support any such measures that people feel warrant that but this was the first word and let’s let it have it’s own poll here.

That’s all like my opinion of course Vote as you will.

Censor the C-word?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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Nah, if they’re a ■■■■ just call them a ■■■■■

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If a woman here, regardless of her nationality, said that she was deeply hurt and offended by the term and thinks that using it indicates we’re a sexist community that’s hostile to women, would you consider stopping using it here, or is your non-offense more important than her offense?

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