The C-Word

I mean, this would hold water, but my body of work shows that I own up to being wrong all the time. One would have thought this buys one some credibility when one digs one’s heels in, but I guess not.

Jeez man, bed at 10? What are you, 58?

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You’ve created an awful lot of poo, haven’t you?

Has it occurred to you that maybe if you (pl.) stuck to your remit of temp banning people “for violating specific rules” instead of lashing out childishly in a fit of pique there wouldn’t be any poo to fling?

dude i hate getting involved in these conversations but I just want to say that I think wookie has handled the critics in a way that should be commended. If i was under the kind of pressure you guys are heaping down on him, I would probably lose my mind. the mods are human dude. Anyone, when goaded enough, is going to react.

It’s trivially easy for me to just mute threads and certain sections of the forum and pretend like none of this squabbling exists, and a big reason for that is because of the mods here have made that possible. Without them I think squabbling takes over this entire forum and it dies. I don’t want this place to die, I want it to thrive. Can we all just coexist? Like what will it take, honestly?


This is absolutely ridiculous. Why is the quoted post flagged?

Or, better still, why don’t the people flagging it step up and explain their rationale?

Proposal: write a filter that replaces the C-word with “Marjorie Taylor Greene”. Everyone will know what you mean.


I agree (and have said so before) that I think most of the time the modding here works well because the forum either self-polices its disputes and the mods keep silent, or mods take reasonable action.

The problems happen when there are long standing grudges (let’s not pretend any more that the whole forum isn’t aware of the history) that mods act on instead of being objective and fair.

This is what we saw egregious examples of yesterday from skydiver, who should apologise to those she wronged if she’s a big enough person to do that.

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I mean, that’s all fine. We’re all human. What annoys me is when a fellow human refuses to admit he or she has made a mistake (in their mod role). I want to see evidence of one of the mods in question admitting they’ve ever made a mistake, ever. Because on the balance of probabilities, they have. Maybe not in this thread, but if they don’t admit to it in this thread, why should it be different to any other?

To err is human. To refuse to accept it is stubborn.

I mean, I could live with this, since this is similar to just using stars for a filter where everyone would still know what you mean, but it would still make the site way less offensive to outsiders who might be browsing or looking at it (especially women), who might otherwise immediately be turned off. I vote yes.

Ok, someone’s obviously uber-grunching and didn’t read this thread yesterday. :roll_eyes:

The idea that you know what women will be turned on and off by is pretty risible, but you crack on with your little theories.


Give it a rest. A mod shows bias in her threats and actions and it must be the people getting unfairly banned and threatened (against forum rules) who are imagining it.

That my friend is classic gaslighting.

Your claim that somehow it’s all in people’s minds is appalling.

And skydiver’s furious explosion yesterday refutes the “angelic patience” line.

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So, since in the UK they don’t use the c-word in the same misogynistic way that Americans do, you propose that the forum should filter the c-word to be replaced with an actual IRL woman’s name. Kind of like an inside joke, at the expense of a woman, and a misogynistic one at that, because it only really makes “sense” within the the context of the misogynistic American colloquial usage. Which is allegedly the form of usage that you find offensive.

Not sure you thought this idea all the way through.


New mods plz


This is a “Karen” joke, right?

jman sorta dramatically changed his entire politics. Not saying it was a complete 180 or anything, but he’s notable for changing.


Yeah, and as a matter of fact he posted one of the most sincere mea culpa posts I can remember in the 2+2 politics sub after the entire Trayvon Martin situation played out. (Hopefully that’s the correct one. It’s difficult to keep up with all the tragic deaths of black people.)

For @marty et al, let me clarify something from my first post. The reason I’m in favor of banning the word, and people who insist on continuing to use the word, is not because of the word itself. It’s because, as has been so clearly demonstrated ONCE AGAIN, the minute someone uses it, the forum erupts into this bullshit again.

No. YOU are gaslighting. Trying to convince everyone that I have some kind of vendetta against you and your posse or whatever you want to call it, when the only previous modding action I’ve taken against any of you until yesterday was a PM exchange.

So stfu about bias. I have repeatedly said I don’t give a flying fuck where you’re from. You’re not being persecuted. You’re being taken to task for being difficult and toxic. I guarantee you, if anyone else made that stupid “whataboutism” post that Fidget made, I would have temp banned them too. Coupled with his previous “you should take a time out” post, it was trolling, and that’s how I treated it. By the way, this is not the first time someone’s been temp-banned for this same reason. Concern trolling is still trolling, and something I thought we all despised back at 2p2. I guess it’s only ok when it y’all pushing boundaries, though, right?

I have sat and watched this stupid bullshit junk up the forum for months. I have mostly stayed out of it. I have been a hands off mod. You bet your ass I’ve shown patience, because every other place besides this one has real modding policies that wouldn’t stand for the bullshit I’ve seen here over several months. And no, it’s not just from you.

So I’ve watched. And seethed. And gotten angrier and angrier. And thrown my hands in the air at these threads over and over and over and over because that’s what everyone else wants me to do.

When I said I’ve had it, it was the culmination of months and months of magnanimity on my part. Months and months of sitting down and shutting up and letting people run roughshod over this place with no modding at all. I’ve still had it.

I wouldn’t be so angry if I didn’t care about this place and want it to succeed. Any other forum, and a lot of people in this thread would have been banned long ago. I would think these folks would be grateful to have a place that is so lightly modded and thus try their best to keep it an enjoyable place for everyone, but I guess I’m naïve like that.


The community as a whole wants minimal modding. You should probably step away from being a mod if you think you’re being generous by modding to the standards the community wants. You “work” for us, not the other way around.