The C-Word

How many more ninja edits do you need before you’re satisfied with your response?

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All done, counsel. Wrap it and ship it.


Yeah they don’t like each other. Still asking for a poll everyone already knows the outcome of so people stop asking for him to be demodded makes no sense.

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Mainly, because having a poll differentiates a reasonable call for sanction and removal from a personal vendetta that no one shares. No mod should have to abide constant heckling and accusations of poor judgment and bias when the community does not agree.

Great. I look forward to you and skydiver polling the community before banning someone.

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A poll you won will not stop people asking for you to be removed.

If you want people to stop asking for it there would need to be a rule. Start a poll on the new rule?


Internet forums: serious business. We’re volunteers, here, and seldom do mods appreciate getting roped into petty arguments where they’re expected to do a ton of reading of the backstory due to having no context. If it’s your expectation that no mod is allowed to take a mod action in any thread they’ve been posting in, you’re going to have an even tougher time finding people to contribute their time and effort to making you feel special by your ban coming from a mod you’ve never heard of. However, if you think this is a standard the community should adopt, propose a rule and start a poll.

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Continuing to insist that I’m “horrendously biased” in the face of the poll would already fall under our existing standards on personal attacks and bad faith.

Dude, I let it go. I came back into the fray when you tried to use the fact that you gave me a ban as some sort of evidence that the other mod giving the other poster a ban wasn’t bias.

Glad you recognise that was not an ideal line to take. Let’s leave it.

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We’ve been specifically empowered via referendum to temporarily ban people for violating specific rules without the need for a specific referendum every time. You know this, but you’re just flinging poo at this point.

No, I do not grant that it was not an ideal line to take. I think you’re proposing a ridiculous standard as a part of your playing-the-victim histrionics.

I don’t know about that. I could make a poll on your modding and be the only one who thinks you should be demodded and hold that view the in good faith.

And like I said if you don’t think mods should be subject to being asked repeatedly to step down that should be a rule. A poll on the mod would not stop that.

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Damn, man, you just don’t quit.

Unrelated question - have you ever been wrong in an internet debate? Have you ever once said, “actually, I think you might be right here”?

If not, you might want to contemplate the probabilities of the following two propositions: a). “You are the smartest person in the world” and b). “You’re a bit stubborn and arrogant”.

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Yes, of course.

I have no reason to disbelieve you. It was more rhetorical questions for you to ask yourself, anyway.

I can pretty confidently say, for example, that @j8i3h289dn3x7 could not provide evidence of a single internet debate on any subject other than law where he actually admitted that another poster was right. With you, I’m not so sure. Borderline.

Jesús Christ, make it stop.


I’m sure most of your opponents on the internet are stubborn, arrogant pricks who just won’t see how wrong they are.

Oh shit. Isn’t that what the internet is for?

I hear wellnamed is available. What about Rapini?