The C-Word

As jman, who has slinked away, will tell you, one of the core principles of jurisprudence is that justice must not only be done, but it must be seen to be done. When you exercise your mod powers in a situation where you have clear bias, it really doesn’t matter whether your decision was correct or not. You were wrong to make it, and you should recuse yourself.

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Everyone knows the outcome of a poll.

Should not need a poll to say you don’t like someone’s modding or want someone demodded.

I have no issue with MrWookie modding but the whole call for a poll or stfu is kind of messed up. Almost bad faith if the poll outcome is a given.

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Lol, you did this during your drunken diarrhea binge too. Not all of us are able to respond to every post within 3 minutes (the amount of time between this post and my previous post in this thread).

You also don’t need to keep saying how much you hate that mod in every thread every day every time that mod makes any mod decision, unless, you know, you’re trolling.

Yet you managed to respond to this one, and not my previous reply, which would have notified you explicitly. And you haven’t addressed the merits of my post. Weird.

Your point was stupid and didn’t merit a response. The “appearance of impropriety?” Lol. You worried we’re going to shake the public’s faith in the judicial system of checks notes unstuck politics?

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Alrighty, then. You’re clearly responding in good faith. @MrWookie , how do we sanction this lawyer who refuses to accept everything he was taught in law school, lest it means he agrees with someone he doesn’t like? Seems like the definition of “bad faith” to me.

I don’t think you understand what “good faith” and “bad faith” actually mean. Could explain why you keep getting yourself banned I guess.

The end of hope for unbiased moderation has been scheduled.

I’ve only seen it in the atf threads and not everyday or even close to that. Though I don’t read all the sections closely so I could be wrong.

Maybe you could respond to the merits of my posts instead of deflecting and going off on tangents. It’s really not fooling anyone. Nobody here is as dumb as the juries you’re used to, bro.

Any time Wookie makes basically any moderation decision whatsoever (and he doesn’t make that many, because this place is lightly modded), you will find a wild jalfrezi not far behind.

if you didn’t have head honcho mod himself looking out for you you’d have been banned more often than d2, and you know it

I did respond to the merit of your post. I don’t know how to explain it any simpler. The concept of the “appearance of impropriety” is really stupid when applied to an Internet forum.

Still not responding to the merits.

So, you think when someone is in power, in any context, “the appearance of impropriety” is a stupid concept?

Are you a real lawyer, or do you just play one on TV?

In before skydiver PMs me to tell me that insulting you as a lawyer is out of bounds. Yeah, that happened last time.

In case you were curious, this is what actual bad faith posting looks like.

Never give them your IM - schoolboy error.

What do you do when a bird shits on your windscreen?

Never go out with her again.

When I heard that when I was 16, it was “sit back and enjoy the view”. I guess the zeitgeist moves.

PM’d me here, I mean.