The C-Word

Your beef is not with me, dude. I’m arguing against censorship, and backing up the rest of my gang the other UK’ers on how the word is used here. I’m not arguing that I should be able to use it myself if it offends people, but I guess that got lost in all the brainfuckery that has gone on around here.

Eta: “Should” meaning I would like to have the option, but I recognise I would be a bit of a ■■■■ to exercise it.


This is the worst bad faith posting itt.

The community has had several discussions on this issue, independent of you personally, and it’s generally understood that moderators should rotate on a regular basis.

Your refusal to voluntarily step aside, as at least one other excellent moderator has done, and instead require a vote on your dismissal is forum gross.

And to try to head off the issue before someone brings it up, even if we can’t find someone to replace you immediately, the forum will do fine without you as a mod. There are four other mods right now and I am quite certain that the fourm is going to be okay without the shield besides your sn.


What are we going to do about ignorance and apathy?

I don’t know and I don’t care.

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Was there a community-wide poll done on this issue in a prominent place? Because I think this forum is well served by Wookie and while rotating mods is fine too, if a good mod wants to stay on for as long as the community will have him, I also see no problem with that.

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I must have made it up. My bad. Carry on


I follow this pretty closely and that’s a good description. I’m not expecting to win, and anyway I’m playing the long game and trying to slowly build support rather than try to force the issue.


Dude, he gave me a ban, which is not usually done on this forum, stemming from a conversation where he was not only involved as a poster, but is actually the OP of the thread, and was vehemently opposed to my position.

You know that thing about avoiding the appearance of impropriety? Yeah, he doesn’t get that.


Lol you ate a ban after having drunk posting diarrhea all over the thread. You had more posts in the thread then like everyone else in the entire forum that hour.

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You, of all people, should understand the concept about “the appearance of impropriety”.

That’s all fine and dandy but you’ve just been told that the whole “UK contingent” is just trolling now and that we don’t really care so who gives a shit what you, or I, think.

That’s harsh. I don’t think goofy is posting in bad faith, for example. I respect goofy as a mod.

Fine - he should have asked you to do it then.

When you exercise mod powers in a discussion where you’re involved as a poster, and arguing strenuously for or against a certain position, you’ve taken a wrong turn.

I agree - I’d be happy to see Risky and micro stay on permanently and think they’d get widespread support for it.

No matter how much y’all try to make this thread happen, you aren’t catching up with the stonks thread.


Lol, then as has been pointed out to you multiple times, make a poll! Just straight disingenous posting over and over again.

Thanks, but obviously no thanks. My departure date is February 20th (well founded I think assumption that I’m allowed to continue that long).

Aside from some incredibly unimportant (or I would have thought so anyway) and I have been gobsmacked how much people care about it temp bans I’m not at all more influential as far as what happens here as a mod than as a notmod.

Lol it’s because of all the disingenous posting of a small minority of posters from who think that they’re fooling us all into thinking something is what the majority of the forum wants by repeating it over and over and over again… but then, you knew that.

Literally every mod was in unanimous agreement over your ban.

Hmmm there’s a word missing here - I wonder what it could be?