The C-Word

Thus spake Captain Wrong of the Wrongth Regiment in the Army of Wrong from the Kingdom of Wrongland.

The reason some don’t want a global filter is because, AS THEY ALREADY EXPLAINED, there’s no better word to describe certain public figures here.

What do you call them? Douches? Well that’s quite insulting to women, isn’t it?

I mean, I’m picturing the 2+2 style where it’s just ****. Then everyone can just assume it’s fuck they’re writing or whatever.

OK but it would be the only word that is censored

There are 207,016 words in the English language. Try harder, IMO.


My self-reflection involves remembering previous revelations that show you’ve barely ever left your own country except on board a lame luxury cruise ship to spend a few hours in a port somewhere, and thus your knowledge of different cultures around the world is approximately 0.00

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Maybe someone could resurrect the exiledpolitics forum for all the unhappy unstuckers?

Lol, you know nothing about me.

we know the three forums you choose to frequent. We know you.


Twat ok?

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lol no. Twat is like a fool, idiot, like the French grand con, which translates literally as ■■■■ but means nothing of the sort.

I mean you probably knew this anyway - just uksplaining it for others who’ve barely left harbour.

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I didn’t know the etymology. I just know it’s another one he doesn’t like.

You don’t say…

Compare and contrast with the magnificent Italian fica secca nulla, uttered by women as well as men, and meaning “you’re nothing but a dry c”.

jman’s US-centric Puritanical head is exploding as I type.

Once you’re grown, you learn when you can take shortcuts.

I could say: “Boris is an incompetent nincompoop who couldn’t find his arse with two hands and a torch”.

Or I could say “Boris is a ■■■■■■


He was the one that started bringing up the exact counts of words in the dictionary, like pretty much any one of those 200k words is a usable replacement. I was just rolling with the punches.

I’d vote this thread 5 stars, if I could.


Juvenile or not, I have to admit, this still gives me a giggle.


lol amazing

That’s good but as far as active posters goes it’s kind of a small group and I’d rather not see any people leave and would like to see more people posting and those who left come back.

Which is why im asking what people saying they are going leave want in real concrete ways to solve the issues.

If there are no solutions than this is all just more petty bickering. Which is fine but, yeah.


Everyone loves polls, just do it.