The C-Word

Unless that argument was in BAD FAITH, which, in that case how would the forum survive???

Thinking of asking for a snoreo filter that auto-replaces the e in centrist.


What do the posters who left and are going to leave want? Because as far as i can tell its banning people. And since this is such a small site with almost no new posters thats not good either.


Which is why im asking what they want to stay or come back. Ive never been given an answer to this and ive asked a lot…

Seems like that’s exactly why cuse quit, he wanted the British to be Dealt With (I’m sympathetic, honestly, British people? Gross!) or else he was quitting. Not before he threw a giant temper tantrum, but that was what I took away from it.

Obviously no one got the whole picture of that episode as you would have had to read hundreds of thousands of words worth of posts, no one has time for that.

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Congratulations. In being able to self-reflect and self-improve, you show that you too, are not a douche. (Not sarcasm).

Yeah i like all them too even if i get into it with colvis and he is a centrist corporate shill.


I don’t think you need to read between the lines here other than to imbue his post with your own agenda. He literally said what it was he was pissed off about, and it’s a pretty petty thing to quit the forum over, IMO, but each to their own.

I am sure what you’re saying is valid, I just don’t think the post you quoted is a good example.

I mean two things are clearly true at this point:

  1. There are a lot of posters who are offended by the c word, but they’re still in the minority; and
  2. The UK contingent at this point doesn’t really care about “mah freedom!’ To use the c-word, they’re just trolling the people who are offended by it. Again, it’s exactly the same reasoning and arguments the deplorables use.

I mean part of life and forms is there is going to be petty bickering. What im looking for is what concrete measures people are asking for to solve it.

Well honestly it seems like this entire thing blew up because a mod lost her temper and started threatening posters ITT with mod actions for using words that the general community already voted on and said shouldn’t be moderated. (And I was on the losing end of the vote, and have accepted it and moved on.)

And then the same mod temp banned a poster for something no other poster has been temp banned for. (And no, I’m not buying wookies argument.)


I can’t speak for anyone else, but personally, I’m arguing against censorship. I’m happy to not use the word if it offends people, but equally, I am not happy to have it censored.

Like I said before, we have 200-250 daily active users pretty much every day. we have 1+ million page views per month. Sometimes higher than that. Our response times to posts is definitely on the low end. I can do research if anyone is interested, but I would wager that this community is actually pretty damn healthy stats-wise in the ecosystem of discourse forums out there, and maybe even across all forums (outside of reddit).

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Lol, always with the easily disprovable lies, this one. Literally multiple posters, myself included, int his very thread, have indicated that we will not use hte term and are fine with it being banned if it offends people. But carry on with your falsehoods.

I’m know I’m not permitted to argue with wookie’s judgement about “bad faith”, I wonder if you’re permitted. Or if this too will be very very bad for the forum.

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Yeah, he’s only the #2 most frequent poster ITT.

I mean, this is the simple, obvious explanation. The only reason some dont’ want it is becuase they want to be able to continue to troll those who are offended by the word.

Hey, maybe instead of uksplaining what c**** means, you try some self-reflection.

I honestly don’t understand why people would find ■■■■ offensive but c*** or whatever not offensive. It’s exactly the same thing.

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Right. I’m just saying I don’t think that particular post is a good example of the point you’re making.

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