The C-Word

@anon10387340 opined that it was bad modding a couple of times, but little else from anyone.

And some of them still can’t work out how Trump got 75M votes for more of the same lol.

Me and mine only…they should graffiti that all over the Statue of fucking Liberty.

You’re welcome to search my posting history. I don’t generally use these terms. If you want me to moderate them in other posters, you should get a community standard adopted via a poll.

Remember how I quoted a skydiver post from a year ago where she said she dgaf about use of the c word, then she appeared in the current thread featuring none other than Wookie and said she’d changed her mind and is now really offended by it.


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Funny, that. In a thread where two of the mods vehemently disagree with a contingent of the posters, those two mods have issued bans for “bad faith arguments” to two of those posters, which, by your own admission, is a rare occurrence on the site in general.

I don’t think your post underscores the point you think it does.


right but there are non-brits that are using that word and that’s a problem for some american posters. So, what can we do about it other than say “deal with it snowflake” or moderate it? There’s no middle ground (other than maybe we can figure out how to spoiler these words), and since it seems like a really stupid thing to lose good posters over something like the word c*** - the choice seems obvious to me.

Use the filter that’s designed for that purpose I guess?

I’d settle for an A___ing filter too if snoreo can make one , along with the s___z filter, if people here are unwilling to moderate their use of those words, though the lack of reciprocity is pretty disappointing don’t you think?

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we could add words to this list:

This seems like a good solution to me, but I know it’s probably not gonna satisfy everyone. I mean that’s really the middle ground here.

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Is that a global setting across the whole forum for all posters?

yea, I wish it could be for individuals, but I’m just not seeing that anywhere. ggoreo’s solution is good.

But if we put c*** and sp** and aids in there, and they get bleeped, everyone will know the intended meaning anyway. It’s not like anything gets lost from the message when they are bleeped.

This appears to be a bad faith argument.


Well, when the mod does it, that means it’s not bad faith.



I prefer snoreo’s solution because I like seeing Marty vent at UK politicians.

c*** doesn’t have the same impact even if you know what it stands for, and if it’s used against another poster they might be just as offended by it as by the unexpurgated version.

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I also think it is a good solution and would love to see it implemented and this topic go away and people mellow out. Maybe just lock the damn thread so it can’t be bumped again.

I suggested to skydiver that she locks it but the idea was rejected out of hand.

Not an easy way (like you’d probably have to write a plugin). I’m just using js to replace strings after posts have loaded so if I change censored to [spoiler]censored[/spoiler] it doesn’t change the formatting, it just displays as [spoiler]censored[/spoiler]

writing a plugin could be fun. Not sure how involved that is though, I’m still learning about the software.

But, something tells me that idea would still not satisfy everyone.

Lol how will the forum survive this terrible tragedy


Why would someone quit the site over a conversation contained in one or two threads, not even in the main subject category of the forum? Why not just ignore those threads? Not disputing this is the case, but it makes no sense to me.

What issues? A naughty word? Questioning moderation? Get over yourselves.

What a shame. If people do want to quit because I argued with Wookiee for five posts itt, well, ok.

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