The C-Word

Because that’s how we do business around here.

Because I don’t think one or a few posters should have license to heckle and harass mods into quitting.

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He doesn’t, but when you’re that solipsistic it doesn’t matter what anyone else cares about.

Mostly intuition/reading comprehension. If they truly care about s__z or a__s they can bring it up directly, rather than the current whataboutism being used. Several anti c-word posters have already agreed and volunteered to stop using those words too.

I can’t believe you guys are doing it again. The dgaf attitude about the damage each iteration of this argument does to the forum is obscene.


I’m increasingly leaning toward “let’s give Jal whatever he wants if he’ll make it stop,” by that may not be sound strategically.

One thing I want to bring up here is that we have a lot of lurkers or people who do not frequently post. I think we frequently think of the same 20-30 people when we think of this place, but we actually have a few hundred daily ACTIVE users. That means 200+ people are hitting like or making a post per day. I see a ton of users I have never even heard of with read times of like 20+ days.

So what I am trying to say is that any gripes or complaining about things is from a very loud minority. And even in this discussion - it’s like 4 or 5 posters. That’s ~2.5% of the forum.

That’s why wookie is telling you to make a poll. You guys aren’t speaking for everyone here. There’s more people around here than people realize.


This is wrong.

When it was a forum where pretty much any words were ok it would have been quite wrong to complain about s***z and A-ing.

Being asked to moderate use of certain words to suit a US audience is fine, and all the Brits are doing that afaik. Now we’re asking for reciprocal courtesy to be shown over words that we find repulsive.

That’s all it is. If it’s all too much for you I’m sure you’ll let us know by s_ing around and A_ing the place up.

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US: Please stop using the c word

UK: Why?

US: This side of the pond it’s seen as horribly sexist and offensive even if it isn’t on your side

UK: Ok understood. Please can you stop using sp___ and A_ing because we find those horribly offensive to some minority groups? Thanks

US. No, because there aren’t enough of you


Literally no one has actually said that to you. That’s entirely your imagination. You’ve already gotten, in this very thread, people pledging to self-moderate their use of these terms.

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Why do we have to make a poll to get US posters to show the same respect for our reactions to some words they JUST LOVE to use that discriminate against minorities that we’ve shown them in agreeing not to use the c word?


I honestly think if you made a strong, reasonable case to ban those words that the results would have a lot more in support of you than just the UK posters. I’m fine with banning those words if they offend people. It’s like this place is a community pool - can we just not piss in it?

I voted against banning C-word because I didn’t think it was a big deal, but, I see now that it is a big deal to several people.

I don’t want any words banned per se - surely self censorship (as with the n word, not that anyone would want to use that) is the way to go?

You’re trolling now. Ether that or being a total c word. Or both.

To hell with you and your arsehole poll suggestion which is obviously designed to show how few Brits there are.

Another bad faith wookie argument.

Ban him?

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That would certainly be ideal, but, not very realistic.

I like gregorio’s solution to opt-out of those words. Is there a way that we could hide certain words behind a spoiler blur?

I don’t know if you’ve missed a large chunk of the convo, but that’s exactly what Brits here have happily agreed to do.

Read jmakin’s first paragraph again. I agree with him.

Literally every community standard we have here has been adopted via poll. I don’t know how you can possibly think that suggestion is in bad faith when that is the process we have used for everything. Look at this thread! I did the “make a poll” thing myself. It’s not a case of “polls for thee, but not for me.” I made a poll concerning a community standard I wanted to see implemented.

And f we don’t go to a poll you’ll continue s____ing and A___ing your way regardless, I suppose?


If that’s the case you can hardly complain if people start calling you the c word (uncensored).

This offensive beyond compare. Some words are just unacceptable in certain contexts. This is literally the opposite of what “literally” means.

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