The C-Word

I think everyone needs to keep in mind that moderating is not easy, and that the mods are human and volunteers.


Right. So pointing out that word A is not moderated when you don’t want it to be moderated is not a very convincing argument that word B should not be moderated when you don’t want it to be moderated.

My god, an argument that doesn’t convince you. BAN


Also this. It’s possible to disagree with a modding decision without wanting to throw the mod into a volcano unless it is shit named


It’s that you know your own argument to be bullshit, i.e., bad faith.

Isn’t part of the argument against using the C word that even if you might not be offended, others are?

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I don’t think you understand, jmakin. No mod can take any action against any poster from the UK for any reason except on account of their own anti-UK bias, which makes any mod who even so much as says anything mean about a UK poster unfit to be mod.

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So instead of explaining why you think he knows the argument is bullshit, you just ban him. Winning arguments 101.

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Well, now you got your explanation.

I knew it already. Someone annoyed a mod and got banned.


How many mods have taken any moderator action against you? I think the count is one.

This is another horrible mod post.

I even posted the reason why I find it a particularly bad phrase, and here you are again with the same old BS.

It’s in the same area as s***z and I want to see an end to their use here fir the reasons given but you seem unable to apply the same reasoning to these words that you demand are applied to the c word ie that if people find it offensive it shouldn’t be used.

I wonder why that could be.


Right, if you leave out the reason for the annoyance, you can make her sound totally unreasonable.

Then start a thread and get the change adopted by the community. It’s not hard!

Maybe moderators shouldn’t take action when they’re personally annoyed by an argument they’re actively engaged in. They can hit the report post button and let their colleagues decide.


You misunderstand.

I’m not asking for a blanket ban of any word (unlike some). I’m asking people to treat s***z and AIDSing the same as they reasonably ask others to treat the c word.

These are horrible words and shouldn’t appear on a so-called leftist forum.

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Your case for this is buried in the worst thread on the forum. If you wish the community to adopt this standard, then start a thread.

The main argument is that some posters sincerely have a problem with it. Comparing it to other words that no one here cares about misses the point. When that point is explained repeatedly to the same 4 posters who barely give a shit about the main topics discussed in this forum and keep trying to run it into the ground, I’m not sure how mod action isn’t justified.


I have on multiple occasions offered to abide by the result of a community referendum on my moderator status. No one wants to take me up on it, because they’d rather continue to insult me as unfit rather than themselves risk having to abide by an affirmative community vote.

How do you know nobody cares about it?