The C-Word

Sure they are. There are LITERALLY no rules here.

The whataboutism re: AIDS is plainly bad faith, and that’s exactly what the temp ban was for. Turns out that’s still against the rules even if you’re from the UK.


Yeah but I mean if we start temp banning bad faith arguments this place may as well close the doors

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There are rules and practices we’ve all generally agreed to whether they are officially codified or not.

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That’s absolutely bullshit.


Moderating bad faith posting is pretty infrequent, so I’m not sure what you’re worried about. The rule as ratified is quite a bit more narrow than “no trolling.”

Alternatively, in the real world what actually happened is that the mod had a mini meltdown and acted rashly in giving a temp ban for something that nobody has ever been banned for here in the past.


I’ve issued a ban for bad faith arguments, I think in this very thread?

How do you tell the difference between a bad faith argument and a bad argument?

It’s not a bad faith argument any more than people bringing up spaz to try and make a point. I actually thought it was a good point and highlighted a bit of hypocrisy.


Or how does making a good point get made in bad faith?


It’s bad faith because of their obvious continued insistence not to actually want to do anything about AIDS or sp-z other than using that as a blunt weapon in their ongoing feud.

Right. I have no idea why a bad faith argument should be like deleted or banned or whatever. People aren’t stupid. Point out that it’s bad faith, show why.

lol pointing out inconsistency in your position is bad faith. Seems legit.


Everyone defending the use of the c word are absurdly wrong but I also agree fidgit shouldn’t have been temp banned this time.

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Can we get a temp ban on Sky? I think it’s bad faith to threaten users for using a word that the community voted not to censor despite clearly articulating that they were aware that the community voted not to censor it.


It is not an inconsistency in the moderation that AIDS is not moderated. It has simply never been put to the community, and none of the people whining about the term have any interest in doing so.

They also have no interest in moderating ■■■■■

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Because they are not actually offended by the word AIDS and are just trolling. Whereas people here are actually offended by the c-word.

Meh, I can kinda see where Wookiee is coming from, even though I still strongly disagree with fidget catching a temp over it. A “bad” argument can be shown to be bad objectively based on a reading of the argument and comparing the things (in this case, “AIDS” v. “C-word”). A “bad faith” argument is pretty well impossible to prove without knowing something of the history of the person making the argument.

So like, it’s a “bad” argument in that one word is considered objectively offensive to a majority of people while the other is only offensive in context. It becomes “bad faith” when someone is using it to derail the discussion because they have a history of doing so with other discussions.