The C-Word

Pretty much what homeslice is saying, yes.

Not really man. On their face is sounds this way but those words he used are all common usage and generally the people who are the disparaged groups aren’t offended by them. You really shouldn’t shit on other people’s views if you don’t even know them. I’m honestly not surprised. Your viewpoints are quite naive and damaged. I hope the best for you.

That post is 100% factual that is not falsified even if a particular coronavirus strain escapes one or more of the vaccines. Fuck off with your nonsense.

In my experience, the offense taken to “you’re a dumb fuck” is inversely proportional to the target’s IQ, but YMMV.

For the niece or nephew who is such a little “genius.”

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For the love of now-grown baby Jesus

Why haven’t y’all force-changed Churchill’s handle to Chamberlain? That’s what this thread should be about now.

I used it in this thread only - the right place for it.

But that’s the current moderation team for you - or two of them anyway.

Also, in before I’m gaslighted again by the power-crazed mod.

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Others have noticed that I haven’t used the c word outside this thread to the best of my knowledge.

You turn up in this thread in a huge rage and take it out on someone you obviously have a big problem with (and it’s pretty obvious which things that’s about).

  1. Stop your fucking gaslighting now. It’s unacceptable, especially from a mod. Learn to recognise your own biases/prejudices and how they affect your behaviour.

  2. Stop threatening to ban people for using a word approved by a community vote (not that any of your targets actually want to use it outside of the UK threads).

It’s bad enough having one mod whose prejudices make him unable/unwilling to make fair decisions, let alone two.


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I personally find it offensive - I have an old friend who’s been HIV+ for a decade or so and don’t think this is a laughing matter. The pills he’s been on have to be taken each and every morning without fail or they stop working, which given his lifestyle is very hard for him.

Also, as HIV infections is highest in some parts of Africa and disproportionately affects gay men, using AIDS as a pejorative is deeply insulting and discriminatory against those two groups.


Maybe start a thread about it instead of whatabouting in here and the responses you get will be more earnest? :man_shrugging:

We have like 5 women who post on this site, and one of them is a mod who is clearly upset about this word being used. It’s pretty shitty to say “well all the men took a vote, and we’re not offended by it, soooooooo”.

I definitely used to use the term “sp-z” to describe poker villains constantly. Never crossed my mind that it was derogatory (I always kind of figured it was related to spasms in some way, don’t know that I’ve met more than a few people with palsy and never heard any of them called “sp-z”) but it’s not difficult to just not say it anymore. There might be slip ups while I adjust, but holy shit there are probably dozens of offensive words I used as a teenager that I’ve managed to remove from my vocabulary - I think I can manage a few dozen more from here until the grave.


Well for one, you might want to go check my vote in the poll. And no, it’s not shitty. Mods are not allowed to enforce arbitrary rules based on their gender when the forum clearly spoke and (unfortunately imo) decided not to ban use of the c-word.

I agree. But we had a legitimate vote and the forum overwhelmingly disagrees with us. Mods cannot just decide to do whatever they want when it’s against the consensus of the forum.


That was an absolutely ridiculous temp ban especially when considered in the context of this thread and with the other posts Sky made at that time. Sky can either moderate the forum based on the consensus of the forum on this issue, ignore it completely and leave it to other mods, or step down from modding.


“Is asking about other possibility-offensive non-curse words in a thread about one particular curse word acceptable?”

You see? You see what I did? You see how potentially stupid things can get by doing that?

All of the spazzes on this site are trying to gyp us out of all the good words. It is literally giving the forum AIDS. A total disgrace!


I guess we should ban everybody that brought up or mentioned the word spaz itt while trying to make a point.

I guess I’m pushing back on the legitimacy of a vote over the use of an allegedly sexist word where the electorate was 95% male. Not sure what the solution is.


I wasn’t aware of any temp ban, i thought he was joking about that, if that happened I totally agree. I was addressing the whataboutism which is often bad and used in bad faith.