The C-Word

Cuckold? Really? Wtf is wrong with you?

If using simple logic instead of my lizard brain is wrong then I don’t want to be right.

That word doesn’t mean what you think it means, and I am deeply offended by your using it to refer to your particular brand of brainfuckery.

A lot of people completely failing to understand the evolutionary impetus behind expletives in the first place ITT.

Why is it wrong to call someone a f*g as an insult?

Ok all I can see is Burgers, and I’m actually a decent Wheel of Fortune player.

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Not the wrong answer but it is the wrong spelling.

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I thought it was a typo. I’m drawing a blank, sorry. And the poster didn’t correct me.

Drawing shitty analogies is not “logic”. It’s what the simpletons do in NVG.

Oh. I haven’t heard the latter. Must remember to throw that one more often into cultured conversation.

The point was to show you that the exact reasons you would not use the fword is exactly the same as many others. For those of you who say that the words are just insults or expletives meant for pejorative emphasis, then censoring the words achieves the same results and requires no additional moderation. If you did mean it with a specific derogatory meaning against a specific group then get fucked. See my point? What do I win?

I obviously mean the word that he said and I guess I spelled it wrong which is not too surprising.

It’s just a shitty slippery slope argument. You can take that argument to its “logical” conclusion and find pretty much any expletive found in an average PG-13 unacceptable. The only reason you stopped where you did is because those are words you personally find unacceptable, but logic doesn’t work like that.

Negative, the point is that large groups of people are disparaged by these words and whether you and I are offended by them is irrelevant.

Large groups of people are disparaged when I call someone a “dumb fuck”. Pretty much anyone with a sub-80 IQ. Should I stop saying that too?

In fact, large groups of people are going to be disparaged when you insult pretty much any trait in a specific person.

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We have Americans, upset with the results of a vote, storming the Capitol (the about unstuck section ldo), trying to overturn the democratic process.


Some words are clearly more offensive along this line of thinking like Cnt, Fg and T*rd. Dumb is a tough one in my opinion because there’s a good chance that dumb person didn’t really make the choice to be stupid but I think generally its considered unoffensive.

This certainly sounds more like personal opinion moreso than any objective standard to me. You know it when you see it, right?

By this exact logic you are saying that any word is ok as long as it wasn’t meant to offend and certainly a vast majority of people wouldn’t agree with this, so whos slope is slippery? Also if you call someone weak or dumb based on a position they take you may be making a statement of fact about their views that is not said from the basis of disparaging people via association with a specific sex, lifestyle or genetic birth defect.

I’m saying that the default position should be to not censor any words, unless there is a compelling reason to do so, and those compelling reasons should be evaluated on a case by case basis, and that evaluation should definitely not include comparisons or parallels to other words that we find unacceptable.

I’ve described my viewpoint pretty well. You can go back and reread it if you so choose. Anyways I’m out of this thread. Sorry for bumping it.

You have, and it’s rather sophomoric. It basically reduces to “any offensive term for anything that is not a choice should be out of bounds”. Except “choice” is ill-defined and overbroad (and that’s not to say I agree with it even if “choice” is better defined).