The C-Word

The effort you’ve put into accusing me of being a bad mod is 10x that it would take to start a single poll. If it’s too hard, shut up entirely.

I don’t regard that as effort.

And to your edit: Nope.

We already voted and the anti c word people lost. There is now a filter if you want to use one.

Stop posting.


Have you even read today’s posts here, or have you jumped in at the end with some false assumptions?

Edit. The snip you’ve quoted wasn’t even about the c word.

Right, but it still seems like you’ve missed the part earlier today and previously where people are saying they’ll respect the feelings of people offended by the word and will restrict its use to the relevant thread (that those don’t visit).

I mean…if you think you can stop @marty from calling footballers and UK politicians the c word - good luck with that. :grinning:

On the old site, “spaz” is a common term used in the strategy forums to describe certain behavior. I assume there is carryover in usage of that term for people who started there posting about poker and migrated to politics.


But only for your culture, i guess? You demand US folks respect your “culture”, but show no respect to ours, that’s what I’m seeing here.

Here’s the fucking deal. There is no anti-EU/UK/non-US bias, but my fucking god if you guys don’t fucking shut up about this fucking bullshit, you’re going to conjure one out of thin air. As a matter of fact, we’ve been TOO lenient on you so we ensure there’s no appearance of bias.

I’ve had it. Wookie is fine. Goofy is fine. It is continually the same people who seem to have issues, and at this point, you should probably start to consider that the problem lies with YOU.

every other forum I’ve posted on, moderated, or admined would have banned the C-word months ago, filtered the word, and modded every post with it in there, and temp-banned people who use it.

Stop it, voluntarily, or I will stop you.


Excuse me?


Those are your opinions, not facts. Stop being so arrogant.

Stop what, exactly?

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You object to use of a word in a part of the forum you’ve never visited and have no reason to ever visit, and that you can have auto-replaced with another word in case you should stumble in there by accident?

No, that’s the truth.

And of the things to stop, here are a few:

  1. Following certain mods around and harassing them for something you think exists that doesn’t
  2. Using the C-word because haha it’s my culture, snowflakes.
  3. constantly bickering about it and AIDSing up the forum

How about we cut a deal. If you and your C-word buddies want us to stop using words that are offensive to you, then you can stop using ones that are offensive to a lot of people in this forum, k?

See, the thing is, we’re perfectly fine not using the sp*** word. I’ve been given an explanation, and I won’t use it. Most people here are fine with that. So why, pray tell, can’t you accept that the C-word is JUST AS offensive to others here and accept that as enough to stop using it?

It’s about respect, and right now (and for months) I’m not seeing a lot of respect from the pro C-word crowd.

That’s right. I said I’m putting my foot down. If someone flags a post about this (with the C-word in it, or otherwise perpetuating this shitty forum-ruining argument) and I get to it first, I will temp ban the poster.

I’m going full Hobbes, minus the benevolent. Try me.

C word not banned on youtubz?

I love these (typical) ‘American reacts to (mainly UK comedy vids)…’

C word after 6 mins if anyone’s gonna top themselves over the use

I don’t own, post on, or moderate Youtube, and it’s not a community like this one. LOL at comparing the two.

If you can’t see how this argument and its constant reiterations and spinoffs are making this place worse, then I don’t know what to say.

Let me translate:

Here’s the deal, jack. I have had it up to hear with your malarkey. This needs to stop. If you don’t like that idea, then vote for the other guy post in another forum.

Which mods am I “following around”? Cite.

This thread is about the c-word. I don’t think I’ve used it in politics threads recently, unlike others.

The bump here wasn’t mine.

If you bothered to, you know, actually read this thread you’d know that’s exactly what’s been agreed, and quite a while ago.

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Then stop posting ITT.

You have this strange obsession with Wookie. I admit, I don’t even recall how it started because it’s been so long. It’s ridiculous. what’s funny to me is there really isn’t a bias, but if you keep pushing it, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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Lock the thread then. People have their bad word replacement widget. Everyone (apart from you and Max apparently) understands that no one wants to cause offence to Americans.

What fucking nonsense.

I see you’re fucking around. Time to find out.

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You know that doesn’t work because people will just take the argument to other threads. You have done it. Others have done it.

So yeah, I’ll amend my post. If I see this bullshit elsewhere (outside this thread), banhammers coming. If I see stupid bad faith trolling like Fidget just did, same thing.

That’s plain ridiculous, as people have said, but I’m sure fidget will find a way to cope with it.

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