The C-Word

Respectfully disagree here. They’re not saying special needs. At least not me or my friends. If you made a bad pass in basketball or missed an easy layup maybe you’d get called a S. Or an idiot. Literally zero of my friends meant “hey man, you must have cerebral palsy.” The thought would’ve never even entered our mind.

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I think I’m tending to agree with you a lot here, but you are being way more childish than Wookie. He’s pretty clearly just posting here in good faith and it’s theoretically possible that you could bring him around to understanding your thoughts on this.

Of course no one thinks the literal thought “cerebral palsy”, but they don’t think that when they see another kid with cerebral palsy either, they think “spaz”.

eta: I mean the jerky kind of kids who call people the r-word do that. Other kids don’t.

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Maybe I misinterpreted this then.

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I don’t believe Wookie argues with me in much good faith, so I gave up on the idea of convincing him of anything a while ago.

It’s clear that the reason US males are sensitive to the c word but not the s word is because they live with females who they assume should be offended by the c word (and sometimes are), and not generally with people who might be personally insulted by the s word.

In other words, it’s all about me and mine again, which is what brought you Trump.

What you need is a revolution of the heart.


FYI, I’m fine with banning sp*zz, since someone finds it offensive, since you’d have to be a real douche to use a word that others find offensive just because it’s part of “mah culture!!11!!!”

Do people here even use the word sp***? I certainly don’t notice it much. On the old site a lot of people used r******, but that basically stopped over there before we came here (for any of the posters that got here) and hasn’t been a thing here. I would think if people don’t use the r-word, then they would not use the s-word for the same reasons if they thought it was used the same way.

Fine, will you be the one to start the poll to have me demodded?

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Yes, I agree he did. He’s just being disingenuous to try to score points or achieve some other aim.

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Not often but once is too much for most Brits. And I agree with the parallel with the r word.

The case with “idiot” v r word is interesting, and somewhat parallel to how the c word has become detached from its original physical meaning (in the UK).

A quick search turns up a surprising amount. I think it would be worth discussing

Interesting that the Venn Diagram of people who are offended by the use of the word C— and people who use the word Sp*** is two non-intersecting circles, while on the other hand the Venn diagram of people who use the word C*** and people who are offended by the word sp**** is nesting circles. It’s almost like one group is posting in good faith, and the other… is not.

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No, I’ve had it with this. Either you think I’m unfit to be a mod, in which case you should put it to a poll in which both of us abide by the result, or you’re acting in bad faith, in which case I’ve had it with your shit.

Almost every time I read a post of yours I can add an entry into the overused/clichéd Unstuck words thread.

You are a stunningly unoriginal thinker.

You have indicated that sp*** is an offensive word. I have agreed to stop using it, because I am not a douche. I would never use it in the first place of course, because again, i am not a douche. I and many many others have indicated that c*** is an offensive word. You continue to use it, because reasons.

Wookie is not moderating in this convo and he’s perfectly well suited to be a moderator. Your response to his response to this was “grow up”, but c’mon, this was childish.

I didn’t get any further than Venn…and that isn’t going to change. Sorry dude.

As I’ve said, I don’t think it really is. It’s about general feuding. Which is what this post was about. Also in bad faith imo.

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Hey man, he’s got a secret list of things, any one of which should disqualify me from ever being a mod. And he’s going to remind everyone of that list every time I post. But he doesn’t actually want to show that list or have me demodded, despite that lengthy list.

As you know, several people have expressed the view that you’re unfit to be a mod of this site but probably not enough to make a poll worth the effort.

If you’re so offended by it maybe ask snoreo for a filter so you don’t have to see it?