New Moderator Confirmation Votes: jman220, MrWookie, commonWealth, and Crunchyblack

There is no way to solve this through discussion. The captains waited till the literal last 10 minutes to have a bunch of newly registered accounts vote to swing a poll because they really hate Wookie (despite the fact that the Captains are the ones who nominated Wookie, again because they really hate him and were trolling him). Either, the moderators are ok with that, and that’s how this forum runs, in which case don’t mod Wookie, or the moderators are not ok with that, in which case mod him. Either way leaving this thread open for continued captains-trolling (and the inevitable us taking the bait) is not going to accomplish anything.

But, as pointed out earlier, this isn’t something we can vote our way out of, because we don’t have rules on voting, and if this is ok, I’m sure anon001-anon099 will vote in the next pole. Just make a decision.


This is also where I’m coming out after sleeping on it. Requiring someone to be a member at the time of the poll’s creation is a minimal membership standard. That would even allow someone to join after the nominations thread is opened but before the confirmation thread begins.

If former members had to create a new account to cast a vote, that would be because their prior account was deleted or anonymized at their request. In other words, they renounced their membership. If people want to come back after renouncing, that’s fine. I just think the timing doesn’t work for this vote.

2/3rd is the precedent from previous mod elections. My personal view is that it makes sense to have a supermajority standard because the forum is delegating a lot of responsibility to mods, and it’s not practical to put every mod decision up to a vote. So we require a higher threshold at the outset to better ensure that they will act in the interest of the forum.


I’m not asking you to solve it by discussion. If people have concerns about specific voters, I have asked them to state their reasons. Please see my post upthread.

Fair enough, I have concerns about the newly created accounts that voted in the last 10 minutes of the poll, as well as anon001, a 3 months old account that has never posted yet somehow has always voted in this shit for the last 3 months. That one smells like a sockpuppet to me.

I didn’t win or lose the vote. I didn’t even vote in the poll at issue.

You are welcome to point out any “yes” votes that are suspect.

This has never been a requirement. In fact it was dismissed as a concern by precedent on at least one occassion.

This is immaterial.

sup this is ■■■■■■■. this will be my last post. or will it. maybe a few facts here and there.

Welcome back to the forum. Maybe we should have mod elections more often to increase the user base.

To address one of your points:

I don’t see how the screenshot dismisses that concern.

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Just run a new mod election for Wookie once a week. Nobody will ever quit.

That is the account of a self banned poster that joined explicitly to vote.

Poster WillReads registered just to vote to permaban sabo. You can check the dates from this link.

There’s no requirement to participate in the forum discussions directly to be part of the “community.” People may not feel comfortable posting for a variety of reasons but still have an interest in voting on forum governance issues when this stuff rolls around.

Cliffs: readers are members too.


Thanks for the additional comments. I have to take care of some work stuff, so I will get back to this later today.

Willreads wasn’t a critical vote in that poll. The “suspect” yes vote you pointed out is a longtime lurker.

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Wow, only 103 voters in that poll and 120 in this one? Good to see that we appear to be a growing and thriving community.


I think we should just flip Jalfrezi’s Wookie vote as a cheeky consequence for his cheeky trolling of nominating someone he wanted to lose. Problem solved!

(Also, I voted against CrunchyBlack cuz as I understood it they didn’t actually want to be mod, but if they do, then 65% basically seems like 2/3 to me. What’s the big deal?)

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I’d be equally happy if he won, but as it happen he lost in the same way that Trump lost.

It’s all the

what is the rule and the precedent?

Truly incredible.

“I quit this place, and in fact, I am not merely going to leave, but I demand that it is stricken from the record that I ever was here. But oh, by the way, I expect to have perpetual voting rights into the internal affairs here, and it is corrupt that anyone suggest this is absurd.”

A sensible mod would just nuke all the accounts of anyone who was ever anonymized. If you were anonymized, fuck off and don’t come back.


Try not to drag cuse into this.


Just to deal in facts, this is not a rule, nor has it been the precedent.