New Moderator Confirmation Votes: jman220, MrWookie, commonWealth, and Crunchyblack

We still gotta agree on registration dates.

god damn you guys are horny for hierarchy.

That’s because we are VALID

This is silly. We know who each person who voted is. Potato is not talking about gimmicks or any form of multi accounting.

Why are you saying Jbro can’t vote?

Which is why you should question why we allow potato to keep stirring this shit up

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How did otatop stir this up again?

Should we go through every single case of self-banned users coming back specifically to vote over the years? Because there’s a lot. And there was never any complaint from anyone currently calling this “sad” until it was to vote against the most divisive mod this community has ever seen.

I didn’t realize you were on the ballot.


Horny for police




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Congrats CW, Wookie, and Crunchy. Mod well!


Voter registration date should not be later than the date of the pole.

Also, why 2/3 vote? I think 60% makes more sense, or even 51%. Maybe people voted on that earlier (but did it pass by 2/3)?

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I shudder to think about the aftermath of a vote where only 51% is required. Better to make it 99% and have no mods until then!

This has been brilliant, with a corrupt mod denying voting rights to founder members my personal highlight.

UP encapsulated in a thread. Deserves a wider audience.

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Yes, founding members like anon0001, who has never made a post and joined 3 months ago. Who can forget him!

Welcome back to the forums @MrJbroRisen. 5th time back? 6th? I’ve lost count. I didn’t even realize you had ragequit this time around until you came back on a new account, you definitely need to publicize your quits better.