New Moderator Confirmation Votes: jman220, MrWookie, commonWealth, and Crunchyblack

Just to deal in facts, this is not a rule, nor has it been the precedent.

Man, if only there were a way to make a distinction between someone who comes back and actually posts here, and someone who just registers a new account to spite the vote here.

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We’re all the Jan6 committee.

time to mute the thread

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Name changes aren’t the same as anonymization.


This seems to only work if you limit new registrations to invite only.


The distinction is you like some and don’t like others. It’s your whole modding consequence model and the origin of the entire fucking site exploding.

You’re making up stories about “renouncing the entire site.” Did you ever think that the mod situation is a reason people do or don’t post here? That founding members, who own their piece of this community like anyone else, might vote for representation like CrunchyBlack in order to see if they want to post here again?

There are people who did “renounce the site” as you put it. They voted Yes on Wookie this time.

Everyone knows who the accounts are that voted No on Wookie. You’re all just creating ex post facto rule revisions because you don’t like those people and don’t want their votes to count.


all of them or just the ones you personally despise?

They renounced it, obviously.

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I think you owe @goofyballer $80. Pay up.

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This is not a comment on this particular vote, just a general statement: some posters may want to anonymize or delete their account or posts due to concerns about doxxing, etc. Let’s not generalize anonymization as only being because people want to renounce their membership in the site. I also don’t think we should eliminate it as an option in the future just because of concerns about voting.

It’s plainly obvious that the people who request these things and then immediately come back using the same name are just dicking with everyone and would be immediately shown the door in just about any other online community.

As it stands, account deletion or anything that risks breaking the site ought to be out of the question.


I’m sure that is sometimes the case, I just don’t think it’s always the case and wanted to note that there are legit reasons for wanting to remove association with previous posts and caution against making any new rules because of voting concerns.

The accounts at issues are MrJbroRisen, MaxCut, TimBuktuuf and ThoughImPoorIAmFree. I have an idea who the first two are. Do you know who the last two are? Feel free to reply by PM.

Edit: I’ve got one of these wrong. TimBuktuff is not a recent joiner.

I’m not sure how this rumour got started but account deletion has a 0% chance of breaking the site.

I requested anonymization like a month ago in lieu of otatop banning me for daring to reply to his PM when I was arguing with him about his moderation. He didn’t do either but then got mad when I hearted a couple of his posts yesterday and brought it up again. I hadn’t posted since my disagreement with him. Probably won’t post going forward with the moderators that are in place or about to be in place, who all despise me and my friends and act accordingly. And who have zero interest in understanding and reconciliation. Excepting econophile and yuv, they’re good guys.

my fuck you was also lighthearted, you couldn’t tell?

You weren’t saying “good riddance”? If you say so I’ll believe you but that’s how it reads.

I hadn’t posted in like a month. Three weeks maybe? Anyway, you’ll get your wish, enjoy your forum.

MaxCut is a founder member ffs.