New Moderator Confirmation Votes: jman220, MrWookie, commonWealth, and Crunchyblack


I never intended on banning you, you were the one who repeatedly made wild claims that I would ban you for a week if you made a post like others had made and not received bans. I didnā€™t anonymize you when you first asked for it because you kept posting which to me seemed like something that went against requesting anonymization.

Whyā€™d you bring it up yesterday?

Forum Warz point scoring

Nothing quite as good as being trolled by mods who then ban people for allegedly trolling.

PoorFree does not have a vote recorded afaict?

Because the account was immediately deleted by potato?

Busy day and Iā€™m tired and have a headache so if Iā€™m wrong about this it isnā€™t intentional. But is what I said true? If so then why is it contested, it doesnā€™t change the results?

Iā€™m thankful for this forum because it provides someone in their 30ā€™s prime examples of how to not age gracefully into my 40ā€™s. Thank you all.


Itā€™s functionally impossible to create community rules here, so itā€™s ultimately up to whoever has the authority to do this now that yet another admin has been driven off. Iā€™d kindly request of this admin that they not grant bad-faith requests that jeopardize the site because itā€™s unfair to the adults in the room.

If accounts can be anonymized without any risk to the site then thatā€™s fine; let people have fun nuking themselves and re-registering as much as they like.

Sir Iā€™m 29. Iā€™ve always been 29, and Iā€™ll be 29 until the day I die


this vote was removed. but it was mine. from a song called Victoria. thought I was clever.

Thanks for clarifying

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You know perfectly well itā€™s something one of the admins or mods warned us about a few weeks ago. Iā€™m reluctant to drag them into this shitstorm, but they want to clarify the situation, that might be helpful.

Nonsense ā€œbreaking the siteā€ indeed.

Admins should only be doing things like changing peopleā€™s status when they become mods or resign from being mods. Mods can anonymize anyone who asks and used to be able to delete users but the settings were changed so that only admins could delete users.

Iā€™ll go ahead and guess that itā€™s because you were annoyed I hearted a couple of your posts. Well, sure, that can be annoying. I donā€™t care about the 100 or whatever posts I made with the Keeed 2.0 account (no one does and anyone who says differently is lying/point scoring). And I knew that I could then immediately like your post with Keeed 3.0, which is a good joke. Anyway, you offered to anonymize my 100 post account out of spite, I agreed out of spite, and then re-registered and liked your posts out of spite. Whatā€™s the harm? 100 posts no one was ever going to read again changed names from Senor Keed to anon 23433? If someone says they care theyā€™re lying.

Youā€™re right. I just wanted to find out who that account was since it did cast a vote.


I never said there was any.

This really is the rare case where everyone, on both sides, comes our looking terrible. Itā€™s pure distilled lose lose.


Does either anonymizing or deleting accounts pose any risk to the integrity of the site?

Deleting accounts doesnā€™t necessarily change the integrity of the site but it totally fucks up reading old threads when there are gaps in the replies and responses to posts that no longer exist. Anonymization preserves discussions by just changing the username globally.