About Moderation

I read it while I shit so violently it’d probably cause someone to call an ambulance if they could hear it in a public restroom - that’s all it deserves

Enough with the namecalling


Let’s try it and find out.


I’m for it if you are. Shake things up a bit.

I asked him to come join the forum, just as I’ve invited two or three other people I know IRL who I talk politics with IRL to come join the forum at various times. He’s the only one who gave it a shot, and he was over it pretty fast. He was a 2p2er, and I just checked and he posted in 2p2 pol off and on across at least a four year stretch, maybe more (it’s hard to search that forum since it was nuked).

If you think it was wrong of me to invite him here, or wrong of him to vote despite having participated in our community across a four year stretch, feel free to take it up with the mods and push for a ban or whatever you think is appropriate, but no I don’t think there’s anything wrong with any of that.

The way ArizonaRonFromTuscon is constantly brought up, you’d think he was a critical swing vote in a close poll or something

Wow, yeah, voting on the losing side of a lopsided poll and making one post about being a lurker is exactly like being a brand new poster coming in super aggressive referencing people’s 2+2 usernames.

A lot of you need better hobbies.

Good lord.

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Not all of us can crush NFL Swami


Is that happening again this year? I was sad when I realized too late that I’d missed out if it was still on.

Rats. Guess I’ll just have to get in next year.

Seems like a good year to skip. though. I don’t think I’d have nearly enough DOGBOT in my picks to have been successful up to this point.

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Lol, this.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have permanently banned MaxCut.


Oh Hi…

I reviewed these posts and left them as is. There was previous discussion about whether it was appropriate to use “orcs” and other similar language to refer to Russian soldiers, and these posts are responding to or commenting on that discussion.

The “commenting” they are doing is lying about it by misrepresenting the argument, LMFAO.