New Moderator Confirmation Votes: jman220, MrWookie, commonWealth, and Crunchyblack

Welcome back to the forum. Maybe we should have mod elections more often to increase the user base.

To address one of your points:

I don’t see how the screenshot dismisses that concern.

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Just run a new mod election for Wookie once a week. Nobody will ever quit.

That is the account of a self banned poster that joined explicitly to vote.

Poster WillReads registered just to vote to permaban sabo. You can check the dates from this link.

There’s no requirement to participate in the forum discussions directly to be part of the “community.” People may not feel comfortable posting for a variety of reasons but still have an interest in voting on forum governance issues when this stuff rolls around.

Cliffs: readers are members too.


Thanks for the additional comments. I have to take care of some work stuff, so I will get back to this later today.

Willreads wasn’t a critical vote in that poll. The “suspect” yes vote you pointed out is a longtime lurker.

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Wow, only 103 voters in that poll and 120 in this one? Good to see that we appear to be a growing and thriving community.


I think we should just flip Jalfrezi’s Wookie vote as a cheeky consequence for his cheeky trolling of nominating someone he wanted to lose. Problem solved!

(Also, I voted against CrunchyBlack cuz as I understood it they didn’t actually want to be mod, but if they do, then 65% basically seems like 2/3 to me. What’s the big deal?)

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I’d be equally happy if he won, but as it happen he lost in the same way that Trump lost.

It’s all the

what is the rule and the precedent?

Truly incredible.

“I quit this place, and in fact, I am not merely going to leave, but I demand that it is stricken from the record that I ever was here. But oh, by the way, I expect to have perpetual voting rights into the internal affairs here, and it is corrupt that anyone suggest this is absurd.”

A sensible mod would just nuke all the accounts of anyone who was ever anonymized. If you were anonymized, fuck off and don’t come back.


Try not to drag cuse into this.


Just to deal in facts, this is not a rule, nor has it been the precedent.

Man, if only there were a way to make a distinction between someone who comes back and actually posts here, and someone who just registers a new account to spite the vote here.

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We’re all the Jan6 committee.

time to mute the thread

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Name changes aren’t the same as anonymization.


This seems to only work if you limit new registrations to invite only.


The distinction is you like some and don’t like others. It’s your whole modding consequence model and the origin of the entire fucking site exploding.

You’re making up stories about “renouncing the entire site.” Did you ever think that the mod situation is a reason people do or don’t post here? That founding members, who own their piece of this community like anyone else, might vote for representation like CrunchyBlack in order to see if they want to post here again?

There are people who did “renounce the site” as you put it. They voted Yes on Wookie this time.

Everyone knows who the accounts are that voted No on Wookie. You’re all just creating ex post facto rule revisions because you don’t like those people and don’t want their votes to count.