About Moderation

Nobody that I’m aware of besides Forechecker.

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I agree, but the board does not. VFS is protected here. Maybe you and I could start a bipartisan bill.

I don’t give two fucks about people’s prior 2+2 identities. That shit was almost 6 years ago. Forechecker is clearly a prior UP’er.

Oh. Sorry I thought you were logically consistent.

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I’m sorry that you don’t see a difference between shit that happened 6, 8, 10, 15 or 20 years ago, and shit taht happened months ago.

Protected in what way? And also, I feel like this has been pointed out before.

What if I told you they are a prior UP’er (Early 2020 registration) and a prior 2+2er?!?

Right on cue.

Oh, noes! People need more ammo for ad hominem attacks!

Do people give a shit about who VFS previous account is? I see a pretty big difference between a high content poster like VFS, who I don’t think many woudl even suspect of being a previous UP’er until you just posted this, and someone like Forechecker, who joined to immediately jump into the ATF Captains vs the outclub drama, but I guess I could be convinced otherwise. Has VFS ever even posted in ATF?

full disclosure, my previous username on 2p2 was jmakinmecrzy, not jmakin. I don’t want any wild conspiracies forming now, just wanted to clear that up.

Gritty did hide his identity. At least some people were trying to guess for a while who it was. If just telling some people who you are counts as not hiding, then forechecker is also not hiding.

Gritty was hiding his identity’s when it was a comic gimmick account posting gritty memes about the 2020 election. Commonwealth didn’t start using it to lurk until after he asked for his self-ban, and after everyone already knew it was his gimmick. Come on, try harder.

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O hai everyone

We having a party?

You also had other accounts on UP while Jmakin was self-banned (to prevent a permanent ban via the KFCBBQ process) - did you disclose those to the entire forum? Or to anybody at all?

And voting on forum rules…

But cut me some slack, it’s hard to keep up with all the little inconsistencies that you allow for your friends.

It’s an early Friday party.

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These inconsistencies are limited only by your imagination.

also, and it bears repeating — When he was voting on forum rules everyone knew exactly who he was.

Uh, yea, and I’m not gonna use the search feature, but I was posting under @darth_brooks for a few weeks (maybe several weeks? seriously can’t remember), in a few niche sundry chit chat and games topics that if you know anything about me it’s a dead giveaway who I am, so I wasn’t really hiding, but clearly someone took issue with it, ratted me out, banned my alt (in my opinion at the time, unfairly) - so I asked for clarification about it and here we are. Believe me, I don’t wanna be here either.

probably half a dozen realrealrealjmakin accounts, that’s all I’m really aware of. I’m a bit confused as to the motive of this question though?

It’s more about jman and his inconsistencies than you. They also went after me for posting on FakeJbro, and then once again for shutting down FakeJbro and reverting back to Jbro after they whined about FakeJbro.

And inclusivity!

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