About Moderation

Wait so you’ve shifted away from “previously banned” now? That was the bet

I’m just saying it could be any lurker who never registered or maybe even a registered lurker who never posted or perhaps a registered lurker who posted a handful of times that hooked him up. Nobody knows…

This is the nicest thing you could do for all those people, including me

I win!!!

Previously banned might not mean currently banned. Don’t know/don’t care who they are tho.

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Why I oughtta…

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Ron is a 2p2 reg from other subforums who I know IRL, who lurked politics back on 2p2 (may have occasionally posted there too, not sure), who I talked politics with IRL and attempted to recruit to UP. If people really care, and IP checks to confirm it’s a unique user aren’t sufficient (these were already done IIRC), I can ask them to PM a mod from here on 2p2.

He showed up, saw the shit show, and didn’t come back.

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That’s weird because jman said he was a regular reader who preferred to lurk as an un-registered user. So basically what you are admitting is that you asked a friend to come vote in the poll LMFAO. Exactly what I suspected was going on! (Not necessarily that the friend was yours, since you were supposedly also no longer posting on UP, although you did vote with a gimmick account.)

Lol, no.

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Stop deflecting from your lie about how this guy just preferred to use the interface as an unregistered lurker.

Meanwhile, Captains are now multi-accounting on UP and that’s apparently fine.

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Again, no.

It’s literally always been fine to switch to another account. Always been fine to take another name. Calling this multi-accounting is disingenuous at best.

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I don’t endorse your nasty attitude towards the mods, and I don’t even think you believe this would be a net benefit for the forum or that the mods wouldn’t catch orders of magnitude more abuse.

I have to give jman credit here: He’s consistently maintained his inconsistent position for over a year!

All three of your statements are wrong, since flying into the fray with a new account is almost always a weaselly attempt to distance oneself from the stench of one’s posting history and reputation.

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It’s almost like my position is not inconsistent at all…. Could you be wrong? No, it’s the children who must be wrong.

Edit: Or, you know, what Chesspain said. Who gives a fuck if someone is self banned and lurking/voting/whatever on a gimmick when we know who that person is.. It’s the hiding your identity bullshit that is, you know, bullshit.

To furhter clarify: I don’t give a shit that a former poster is now posting as AngryQueer, since he didn’t do that to try to hide his identity and we all know who he is.

I’m curious as to what accounts you’d consider to be hiding their identity here (from prior accounts)? Like accounts that regularly post I mean rather than gimmicks

Also is there a distinction between posting under a different name than 2p2 and not acknowledging the link to said name especially if that poster was fairly polarising?