About Moderation

The Trump claim is intended as an ironic or sarcastic extension of the claim about Epstein. I’m happy to drop it from the thread, but I am completely serious about my claim about Epstein and am investigating it IRL. I am gathering evidence on the ground and taking photographs. But no one seemed interested enough in exploring the idea past yelling that it couldn’t possibly be true to get to my actual evidentiary presentation. Basically, I have tons more, but people’s minds were so averse to the idea that they ram-rodded the thread into the ground with “arguments” against the thesis.

I will reopen on the conditions that you keep the focus on the claim that Epstein is alive and that you start providing more information on your investigations into this claim and the evidence you have uncovered

I will shortly be posting my conclusive refutation of that central thesis, however, so the discussion may be rendered moot

Are conspiracy theories banned from being discussed in this forum?

looking forward to it

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Maybe I mixed you up with simp, sorry

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Keep his posts out of your posts!

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I stand corrected. I forgot about that nonsense.

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In the spirit of diplomacy I’ll be fair and say that thread has 2600 posts over months and months and those were at the very beginning, so.

Stupid conspiracy theories are kinda fun, but at the same time maybe we shouldn’t humor the person claiming to be doing their own research into Epstein being alive? We don’t have to be a part of someone’s descent into that kind of problems.

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Yeah, lets shut down the conversation from literally a couple people enjoying themselves discussing an entertaining conspiracy theory and instead increase the collective posting by 50x and fight over why we shouldn’t talk about kinda fun conspiracy theories because they are likely to be wrong. A much better look is to all hold hands and agree on a topic that also turns out to be full of shit.


@otatop , CN getting a day off for implying Forechecker was engaging in Russian apologia while Forechecker got nothing for implying CN and a bunch of other posters got off sexually from looking at the bodies of dead Russians:

Is pretty bad.

Doubly so since Forechecker is clearly a previously banned poster who is hiding his identity.

Let’s bet on this.

Unless it’s RAIDS, nobody else who’s ever been here has the patience for writing long posts in a writing style so consistent and different from their own.

And there’s just way too much nuance in the posts to be RAIDS

It wasn’t an implication. More of a comment, really.

Lol. Yeahok.gif, you’re right, he’s just a brand new poster who happened to find our little slice of the internet, refers to the Captains as his “friends” and started posting in ATF within hours of joining.

Maybe our friend Ron or another long timer lurker who never registered (but voted in those polls and never came back) hooked him up with the forum?

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Lol, enough with this bullshit already. @anon38180840, feel free to share details on who Ron was. It wasn’t me fucking sockpuppeting.

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CN’s post was hidden by mods and it became unhidden when he added the little “apologist” thing at the end. I thought there were multiple edits but after checking the last “edit” seems to have been me hiding the post.

I could be wrong about econophile’s intent with the warning banner but I read it as more of a “the mods will silence users for personally attacking each other even if they think they’re being sneaky about it and not technically attacking one another” and not so much as a “mods are going to crack down on even the most minor of perceived insults”. If we want to go down the silencings for minor insults route I can just silence like 20 people until tomorrow.

Their previous account is not banned.