ChrisV's Walrus



Anyone is welcome to enter. You pick one song for each of the 7 categories I post and send them to me in a PM, link them if they’re not on Spotify (or if they are, Spotify URIs are a good idea, so I get the right version). I will rank the songs. ranking is based on 1) how much I like the song, 2) category fit, 3) uniqueness of the pick (no strict rule about obviousness, but try to not submit songs that we’ve all heard a hundred times). I will then reveal them in a fun thread where we all get to hear a lot of new music and you inform me that I am a moron with an inability to recognise good music when I hear it.


Basically no-hoper genres: Opera, bluegrass/country (folk-country and rootsy stuff is fine, but not mainstream country), metal with death-growls in it.
Dubious genres: Punk, disco, RNB.

I listen to a lot of stuff, so just about everything else is in with a shot.

I also posted this in my last walrus:

In all seriousness, I kind of dislike a certain genre of indie music these days. It’s distinguished by vague musical noodling without any obvious melody and the vocals, if there are any, are disinterested in a particularly studied way, like it would be uncool to put any emotion into your singing… This is not to say that I want obvious melodies all the time, don’t avoid something just because you think it will be too complex or avant-garde. But if your song features singing that might uncharitably be described as droning, or consists of 17 instruments being played apparently at random, you may want to reconsider.

Monkey Banana, in typically stubborn fashion, submitted Sigur Ros in spite of the above and the song he submitted either podiumed or almost did, so… shrug.


I was having trouble coming up with categories, so I cannabalised some of my favourite ones from previous walruses, including my own.

  1. A song with a political element, as subtle or tangential as you like. I would actually prefer the politics was subtle, but I won’t punish overt protest songs.
  2. A song in which my favourite instrument, the piano, is featured heavily (Ben Folds/Elton John = zero points). This is a recycle from my last walrus. I like piano. Also, you can see what podiumed last time.
  3. A song which has some association which is unique to you, which you often think about when you hear it. It can be a memory, something personal, or just some thought you have about it that you suspect others don’t. You don’t have to tell me what it is, but if you do and you’re OK with it, I’ll share it in the reveal.
  4. A song with the capability to shift your mood when it comes on.
  5. A song that gradually builds up over the course of the song.
  6. A song to listen to on headphones while walking home from the pub while slightly drunk at about one in the morning
  7. Something you wanted to submit, but were unable to shoehorn into any of the previous categories

I will allow about a week for entries. Have at it. May the best walruser win.

You want the submissions all at once or it doesn’t matter?

Chris, what kind of hardware are you listening on?

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Why is the game called Walrus?

I’m not sure anybody knows. The game Sheep was popular on POG, and had a few variants named after random animals (Kangaroo and Emu from memory). Probably Walrus was just a randomly-chosen animal for a new game.

Whenever. The sooner the better so I can start listening.

Edit: Oh you mean the individual songs. One at a time is OK but maybe send me a final one with all of them together when you have them all.

Audio Technica ATH-M50

I just assumed it had something to do with I Am The Walrus

It looks like they’ll all go in the same message thread actually, so thats fine.

Feels like my choices are going to lean towards non-singles from musical acts who have had mainstream success. I’m not much into the indie music scene.

Nice, that’s on my must-try-eventually list.

I’ll probably start an audio gear thread within the next couple weeks.

I predict I won’t win this game.

I submitted my seven entries. May the best walrus win!

Coming in hot

I broke one of the cardinal rules, but think it will still get through with a pretty good score.

Maybe I should have done an all-country/bluegrass troll entry.

oof, this would be hard, since half the songs I can think of are punk or post-punk, and the other half are like, all from the same artist/album.

That still fits.

Ive got a country song in there, hence the previous post.

However, I am a fellow country hater, so if it breaks my country hate bubble, it might for him as well.

Sure, why not. Tried to go a bit random, but was also going off of recently played songs in my Spotify…

Hope you like Rick Astley

I’m done. I think my songs are all in the “heard it too many times” category, but who knows with Australians. I didn’t include Waltzing Matilda, so maybe I’m good.

I dunno what a walking home slightly drunk from the bar song is so I’m just winging it on that one.