Walrus interest thread

I’ve never played before so don’t make me game master until I’ve played a couple of times.

I’ll be game master first if we get a few more players. BTW the term “game master” is one I invented, I have no idea what you call that person as I’ve never explained the game to anyone before. I learnt it by reading existing game threads and figuring out what the deal was.

Being game master is a surprising amount of work. If you set 8 categories and get 8 entrants, that’s 64 songs you have to listen to enough to absorb and make a fair judgement on. That’s like 4 long albums’ worth of material. It can get gruelling. Game masters have just quit mid reveal in the past.

Maybe “the revealer” is more descriptive and less wordy.

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Paging @microbet

I’ll play. I skipped the OP because I wasn’t ever interested in werewolf and figured it was something along those lines. Thx Jal.

I’d be willing to be a game master depending on how much time you get to listen.

Sounds interesting. In.

I had you listen to one band (Borns) and you didn’t even give me a report on that! Good luck listening to 64 songs and judging them :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You could have two game masters who do four categories each.

I will be revealer, we have:


mjiggy, maybe? y/n?

We can play with that many but a couple more would be better so I’ll wait. @ anyone you think might be in.

As a demo of how things work, I have run one once before. My categories were:

  1. A song that objectively speaking is a sad song, but that makes you feel happy for whatever reason.
  2. A song that showcases my favourite instrument, the piano, at its best. (Ben Folds = 0).
  3. A song that demands to be played at loud volume for maximum enjoyment.
  4. A song that is about some sort of moment of change. Something ending, or something being transformed. (On any scale. Could be personal, social, etc).
  5. A song you can’t help but sing along to.
  6. A song that for you is in the top few songs by that artist, but for most people probably isn’t.
  7. A song that is a secret weapon you’ve had stashed to deploy in a walrus when required. (If you don’t have one, then just a song you want to submit that didn’t fit in the other categories).

Reveal here. The last post in the thread is a top-ten from all categories.

The What Are You Listening To? thread might have some participants.

I thought this was about the walrus that sunk the Russian vessel.

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I’ve just advertised in the what are you listening to thread. I’ll cap at 10 entrants so it doesn’t take me forever to reveal, we have 7 entrants aorn. I’ll draw up categories and get things underway in the next day or two.

No I won’t be able to come up with anything, will just observe for now.

in lol

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I’ve read your description and am also familiar from ■■■■■■■■■ but still not exactly sure how it works but ok

Like the sticking point seems to be “music you haven’t been exposed to.” Feels like I could nail the categories easily but you’ll likely have heard whatever music I poast

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yeah I’d have a chance if Chris wasn’t Aussie.

Music, music. I hear music.

Apologies for the delay, I’ve been snowed under with work last few days. Submissions are now open here, free to discuss, ask questions, troll etc on that thread. Anyone is welcome to enter, even people new to UP.