Suzzerwalrus interest thread


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Cool! I’ll post the categories later this week and start taking submissions when Microbet gets back.


What is a walrus game? Google is no help.


Can I pick 7 Nirvana songs? :wink:

I mean if you want to lose, go for it :slight_smile:


If they fit the categories!

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How many do you have now? I’ll be in if it doesn’t put you over the limit of fun::work ratio.

No problem the more the merrier! I know what I like and don’t like pretty much instantly wrt to music so it won’t be a ton of work.


I am waiting for the categories. Its not fun if you dont have/like a song for the majority of them.

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Oh yeah - this will get started very soon now that @microbet should be back. Might not be until Monday or Tuesday though if I go hiking tomorrow.

I am back.


Ok here we go. I’m buzzed which is exactly how this walrus should proceed.

For the newbies, the rules, from ChrisV’s original walrus:


Anyone is welcome to enter. You pick one song for each of the 7 categories I post and send them to me in a PM, link them if they’re not on Spotify (or if they are, Spotify URIs are a good idea, so I get the right version). I will rank the songs. ranking is based on 1) how much I like the song, 2) category fit, 3) uniqueness of the pick (no strict rule about obviousness, but try to not submit songs that we’ve all heard a hundred times). I will then reveal them in a fun thread where we all get to hear a lot of new music and you inform me that I am a moron with an inability to recognise good music when I hear it.

But ignore most of the scoring stuff. I’ll tell you how I’ll judge each category ahead of time - mostly it will be half category fit/half how much the song moves my butt around in my chair - which is my only metric for judging music. But some songs will be mostly butt moving, with infractions for category fail.

The pressing thing right now is that we need to find someone willing to be a randomizer. You will send your picks, preferably as spotify links, along with any description or justification you think will help sway my easily distracted mind.

Once we have a randomizer, I’ll post the categories. I don’t want to post now and inevitably have a few people submit to me.

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112 posts were split to a new topic: Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

Looks a fine category list and am looking forward to this, but I definitely can’t say I’m confident.

I’ll also offer to randomise and pass on entries.

(Assuming the deadline will be before about Jul 30th as I’ll be travelling from then, but it seems like it almost certainly will be)

Sweet! We have our randomizer. Send PMs to pyatniski.

Important: clearly number the entires, with first a regular link to the song in pre-formatted text (see pyatnitski’s post below), then any background, description, argument why this is the right song, fun stories etc. I will consider all added prose when judging the song, and repost some of it.
