Walrus IV reveal Thread. Kingvaldo Collab.

and id be happy to share our exchange on PM… u or King can do it… no one will read it lol

you arrogant without basis clown

Take a break, chill pill or whatever.

See you later.

Let’s all have a drink and come back to this in a day or two. This is supposed to be fun, right?



I am a veteran of a grand total of one reveal, but I have been following this thing since ChrisV ran the first one. This whole concept works because we allow the option for the Walrus to take a nice, big, Walrus-y shit on music we hold dear, and in return we have a right of salty reply if our picks are anything but first place and on repeat at the revealers house 24-7. If we start taking things any more serious than that, it all stops being fun for everyone.

I assumed Jalfrezi’s critique was partly tongue in cheek by a person whose picks often come somewhere near last siding with the pick who did come last in this reveal (since every other entrant was ceremoniously smeared).

Imo if it was tongue in cheek then its something that should have just been laughed off and we move on in the spirit of the game.

If it was anything more serious than that it’s pretty shitty to go after someone who was willing to put the time in to doing a reveal.

I don’t know which it was but it sucks to see what is supposed to be a fun, light-hearted competition go off the rails. Hopefully we can just ignore/remove this and move on in a few days?


I’ve never been in one of these. I started reading and skipped to the end and was like wtf and read back through it all.

All this seemingly random drama makes me want to have nothing to do with missing the next one.

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Seems it doesn’t work this way with every walrus (not that anyone’s called rivaldo a moron anyway).

Maybe a clause in this walrus’s OP stating this change would have helped?

just ignore anyone’s submissions who you hate. that’s what master3004 did to me last round and the game ended up great


Yuck, I misjudged the tone earlier and thought we were all joking again. Sorry for my part in this. As it’s Christmas I recommend drink too.


fwiw I thought it was jokes at that point too, and saw your post in that spirit. You shouldn’t feel bad for anything (other than your points tally amirite?)

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jesus, I take a morning off and come back to this?

Apparently me winning a category has knocked the walrus earth off its axis. If a concession is needed to get it back on track, then by all means, @Rivaldo give @Jalfrezi my spot!

I just want the music!


I see 50+ new posts and thought great, another reveal. I open the thread and find this clusterfuck. What the hell?!

100% this.


wait, what?

This is a fair point. What in gods name have you done?


First thing that came to mind when I opened the thread this morning was that it was sky’s fault.


It all makes sense now.

Boo da judge.

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It’s Christmas so it’s standard for blowups and turbulent emotions. Let kony do his thing and by then Christmas will be over and Riv can come back and do his selection. Happy Holidays!


I thought Rexx was right and we could all get along, but then JT had to go and post that garbage.



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That song is so bad my laptop refused to play it. I’m not even joking lol.

Ok I managed to watch it and I actually didn’t mind it. Her voice was a bit off but there was good rhythm. I’m sorta annoyed I don’t hate it though as I had a really good insult lined up for Johnny. Guess I will have to save it for later.