The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I’m guessing the MSM will talk about Brittany first.

What is the exchange rate from wegothims to convictions? I’m considering cashing them in.


I heard they’re roughly equivalent to Schrute Bucks:


Are the rules different for grand juries? If not, they seem to have skipped the arrest step. We may as well skip the plea part too, since we know what that will be.


In federal courts, arraignment takes place in two stages. The first is called the initial arraignment and must take place within 48 hours of an individual’s arrest, 72 hours if the individual was arrested on the weekend and not able to go before a judge until Monday.[6] During this arraignment the defendant is informed of the pending legal charges and is informed of his or her right to retain counsel. The presiding judge also decides at what amount, if any, to set bail. During the second arraignment, a post-indictment arraignment (PIA), the defendant is allowed to enter a plea.


About Bannon:

Nothing has actually happened nor will happen to Bannon or anyone else


I’m still right so far.

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I think you’re spiking the football a tad early here, buddy.

Wait until you get in the end zone.




Oh god, the lawbros are talking smack now. A year after Trump is out of office, the checks & balances that were supposed to stop him are potentially kicking in against one of his B-list underlings, fuck off with that.


Popehat is as bad as it gets. The fucking WORST.


Popehat more like WOAThat


Judge: “Steve Bannon has lived an otherwise blameless life.”


It is infuriating seeing this all over today. This Popehat fuckface is actually imploring you to have a “Twitter-and-cable-news attention-span” when he’s presenting this unguarded layup of a Bannon indictment as some sort of sweeping example that the system is working. Even my Twitter-using and pot-smoking slurry brain can remember all the way back to prosecutors inexplicably abandoning a case they had against “Individual-1” that had previous resulted in jail time for Cohen acting on Trump’s orders, or the conservative and restrained investigator Bob Mueller stating Trump could be indicted on numerous obstruction counts once he left office (abandoned), or there’s a Blazer game on feel free to fill in your own next dozen


pope hat blocked me after I disagreed with him about CPS being too aggressive about taking children away from their parents.

They are way too slow far too often. You wouldn’t believe what was tolerated in a case I had that imo was the murder of a child.

hmm I’ve followed :tophat: on twitter for some time and I’m pretty quick to ditch terrible twitter follows. Most of his takes seem fine and not too Preet style lawbro and at least “outside of my bubble” right? IDK? Maybe this is gen x idiot listening to other gen x idiot syndrome.

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This is a you problem.

So they’re not going to perpwalk Bannon. DoJ spox said he’s self-surrendering on Monday.

Is it just me or is self-surrendering a funny concept?

Bannon is enough of a true believer to go to prison for Trump. Meadows is different; he wets his pants before it comes to that. Go after Meadows imo.