Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Trump could pull a Eugene Debs and still have a decent shot. Better than 3% for sure.


We all saw this coming a mile away.

The only thing that kept them from stealing the last election was a lack of foresight. If they had disrupted the count in like 5 precincts and done a full purge of never trumpers before Election Day, it would have worked. They’re not going to make those mistakes again.

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Most of them don’t want to win that bad. The problem is FB has turned people like MTG into winning candidates and they don’t get that shit is an act for rubes. Most Rs don’t really care who wins as long as the $ keeps flowing.

A jury in DC? Uh yeah I like the odds fine. And he’s going to be in protective solitary confinement until trial in this scenario. He tried to overthrow the government of the United States. I think he has a better chance of dying in custody than he does of getting acquitted just because he’s old, accustomed to his lifestyle, and prison sucks.

No matter what though you keep throwing shit at him until something sticks. This is a public hanging lol. Everyone needs to see what happens when you attempt a coup.

You learn from the trial run and come prepared to succeed next time?

lol, they won’t even arrest Bannon, no one is ever going after Trump under any circumstance.

“Moderates oppose!” Fuck off, all of you pathetic cowards.



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Lol, dnr, but I read the headline. Blood pressure up.


(Not sure why the preview is not coming in nicely).

Because if there’s one person we should listen to on science, it’s a former governor of Indiana.

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OMG this article:

“Every year we say, ‘Wow, this is really difficult’ - and every year, it gets more challenging,” said Sabrina Wnorowski, vice president of human resources at Radial, which operates fulfillment centers for brands such as Cole Haan, Aeropostale and the Children’s Place. The company, she said, is offering daily raffles with prizes like PlayStations and iPads, as well as pizza parties and on-site food trucks in a bid to attract 27,000 warehouse workers this year

Printing this without the (obvious to everyone except for the author) follow-up of “Have you increased pay?” is just straight journalistic malpractice.

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Lol literally anything but paying more. Fucking ghouls.

3% of the entire US workforce quit their job in the last month! And the story is somehow a “labor shortage.” There is a FUCKING PAY SHORTAGE YOU ASSHOLES


Just waiting for someone to take it to the logical extreme: “Work here for $5/hr but you’ll be entered into an annual $1M raffle”

Save labor costs, and as an added bonus, give workers a reason to hate each other even more!


it’s really amazing they profess the supply-demand bullshit as if it were commandments at every opportunity, but they literally cannot see how they have to pay more in the current labor market, which is as “free” and “at-will” as it has been in decades.

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Employers are likely to live with understaffing instead of paying more due to the norm against cutting a worker’s pay. They don’t want to give pay bumps for what is likely a temporary situation.
