GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

If Madison had an adequate supply of testosterone, wouldn’t he have a deeper voice?

He must love the job his mom did in raising him.


“They don’t want people who are going to stand up.”

Does he say things like this on purpose? Seems weird to draw attention to the fact that you literally can’t stand up.

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He’s actually just really really stupid.

he just got married. not sure what the situation is there, but if they are able to have kids, they are going to be raising some fucking monsters.
He’s going to get such a sternly written letter.

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When garland declines to pursue criminal charges he should be known as the biggest lamest cuck in world history. I don’t like that word either and not kink shaming but God damn dude, the entire party literally stole a supreme court appointment from you and you don’t do shit as the attorney general while they turn this country into a fascist hell hole


Garland as AG was possibly the worst of many horrible decisions by Biden. Just awful. This fucking idiot actually thought he was going to “unite the country.” We deserve what’s coming.


Adam Schiff sez:



Oh boy. This absolute nutcase is running for Nevada governor (the video is worth the minute to watch, if only for her poor fashion choice):

Also, this:

“If you have cancer, which I believe is a fungus,” she began, citing a widely debunked theory that the American Cancer Society warns about, “and we can put a pic line into your body and we’re flushing with, say, salt water, sodium cardonate (I think she means bicarbonate), through that line and flushing out the fungus. These are some procedures that are not FDA-approved in America that are very inexpensive, cost-effective.”

Happy Jesus-Ween!

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My hot take is that Garland shutting this down is the best possible outcome. I’m cheering for it. They already have literal handwritten notes from Trump telling his underlings to overturn the election. Why are they wasting everyone’s time with these subpoenas? What else do they need? Just fast-forward to the part where the committee decides that Trump is obviously a crook but they still won’t do shit. Trump is above the law because the Dems don’t have the balls to stand up to fascism, the sooner we all publicly admit that, the better.

The absolute worst outcome is ~4-5 years of unenforced subpoenas and motions and procedural dicking around with #Resistance Dems constantly tweeting that something big is just around the corner.


There’s a lot going on in that picture

Fraud. The three baby/toddlers aren’t packing. The boy is. I mean wtf.


Garland doesn’t want to radicalize Bannon obviously.


You can’t even get the kid to look at the camera but you’re gonna trust him to handle a firearm. Fucking psychos.

I’m becoming more and more convinced that the people in power are all just too damn comfortable and have too much to lose by actually wielding their power. That is, they have nice jobs and some decent power and really don’t want to have to act or have confrontation with Trump.

Perhaps they fear for their lives, their families. Perhaps they don’t want to be in the position to ask police to enforce something and the cops just say “Nah, fuck you.”
Perhaps they think actually doing something precipitates a civil war/widespread violence. I just don’t understand how all over the damn place it is patently obvious that Trump and co. tried a coup. And nine months in nothing is done.

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