GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube


I got suspended for 2 days because I wasn’t wearing the right tie

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Never suspended. At the end of my formal education they had to threaten to throw me out to get me to leave.

More MO Gov lol:


@SwiftOnSecurity is 100% correct.


My mom went to bat for me super hard when I refused to serve a detention my senior year and they were going to expel me–almost makes up for the rest of her parenting. It was pretty fun, I got handcuffed and removed from calculus, then walked out of in-school suspension twice, the second time while all the other victims of school policy were tasked with keeping me contained in the back corner of the suspension room. I used the clever “I have to sharpen my pencil” trick to outwit the future cops, and those sympathetic to my cause followed me out the door in the middle of lunch, congratulating me and taking the opportunity to go do whatever it is that they did.

I didn’t get suspended but a teacher nick named me “Captain Destructo” for putting a 3.5" floppy disk inside a CD drive. And he said it like he thought I was a real piece of shit. I thought that was lame cause I didn’t even destroy anything and I can’t imagine the mechanism that would have done so.


Outlaws ITT.

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But getting your team more hyped up works too.

bruh Captain Destructo is a way cooler screen name than d10 what went wrong there


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Karens of the world unite! A new moral majority is coming for your school board.

And in Indian River County, Fla., a chapter recently objected to fourth-graders being taught how to spell “spinal tap,” “isolation” and “quarantine” because they were too “scary of words” to teach at that grade level, said Jennifer Pippin, head of the Indian River chapter.

In 10 months, Moms for Liberty has grown to 135 chapters in 35 states, with 56,000 members and supporters, according to the organization’s founders. The group hopes to one day have chapters in all 3,143 counties or equivalents in the United States.


But Democrats have questioned how Moms for Liberty is being funded, noting that its rapid expansion comes as DeSantis gears up for his reelection campaign ahead of a possible presidential bid.

Pamela Castellana, chairwoman of the Brevard County Democratic Party, said she is skeptical that Moms for Liberty is truly a grass-roots group. She noted that the group’s leaders are closely allied with several of DeSantis’s longtime political allies.

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Nothing says “liberty” like “stop teaching my 9 year old scawwwy words”.


Spinal tap doesn’t have to be scary if you provide the right context.


This one goes up to 11.



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I remember getting threatened not to be allowed to graduate over what I think was a five cent library book overdue fee, which I disputed because I was sure I returned it on time, not just wasting various school officials time but also they sent me a letter costing way more than said fee to tell me all of this so I didn’t for a long time, guess i caved in the end to shut them up so they won I suppose.

but hey when I was in jr high, the superintendent was drunk on the job all the time (not like he had to do anything, good job paying that job the most by far schools!) so this was quite the hallowed institution of learning here


Good news for Roger is no masks are required where he’s ultimately headed.

Um I guess we could make it required just for him.

I still can’t believe Roger Stone is still a thing in 2021. Dude was a cancer on American politics when my parents were young.