GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

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Good luck with that roger. Courts love the church. They aren’t going to do anything.

This guy does straight faced interviews with dumb people. He was on another channel before but he ended up starting his own.

Some decent stuff in there from anti vaxxers and Covid deniers.

It’s about 13 minutes long.


Wait wat? Real or Onion? So hard to tell.

There are 200,000 illegal immigrants are coming into our country each month. We understand why they want to live and work in America. After all, we are the greatest nation on earth. In the interest of national security, however, we cannot allow just anyone and everyone to cross our borders. While there are good people attempting to enter our nation, there are also gangs, criminals, sex-traffickers and terrorists.

While fences remain around our nation’s capitol, the Biden-Harris Regime has left our southern border unsecured. Do you see the blatant hypocrisy?

The wall must be built. The wall will keep America safe and strong. Everyone who wants to enter our country must enter legally for the safety and prosper- ity of all. Only then will we be able to help those in need.

The real question - why is prosperity hyphenated?

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Watching this stuff continues to change the way I look at the world. It also continues to make me wonder why I’m not just grifting these dummies and laughing all the way to bank.

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The right wing tactic of saying something as if it’s common knowledge proven fact, followed by causally saying “but we can get into that later”, and then making the point you want to make based off of that fact without in fact getting into it is absolutely fucking infuriating. It’s so effective at getting the idiots to nod with approval and then just accept the intended statement as truth based on the lead in.


I thought he was going to smirk after the monster line or something to indicate it was a laugh line and not an applause line, but nope.

The Republican play these days is to say an overtly evil thing, then wait to see if it is met with thunderous applause or laughs, then back fill your intent as appropriate.


Was actually surprised to see that “demasculate” is actually a word with a slightly different meaning from emasculate. Odds that he knew the distinction as opposed to just saying whatever, ~5%.

I thought the same thing. Didn’t actually know it was a word. Deleted my post making fun of him for that.

He should still be made fun of.

Hey Madison - those monsters you want to raise aren’t really known for being kind to dumb cripples in wheelchairs.


If Madison had an adequate supply of testosterone, wouldn’t he have a deeper voice?

He must love the job his mom did in raising him.


“They don’t want people who are going to stand up.”

Does he say things like this on purpose? Seems weird to draw attention to the fact that you literally can’t stand up.

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He’s actually just really really stupid.

he just got married. not sure what the situation is there, but if they are able to have kids, they are going to be raising some fucking monsters.
He’s going to get such a sternly written letter.

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When garland declines to pursue criminal charges he should be known as the biggest lamest cuck in world history. I don’t like that word either and not kink shaming but God damn dude, the entire party literally stole a supreme court appointment from you and you don’t do shit as the attorney general while they turn this country into a fascist hell hole


Garland as AG was possibly the worst of many horrible decisions by Biden. Just awful. This fucking idiot actually thought he was going to “unite the country.” We deserve what’s coming.