The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Didn’t want to crap on the Covid thread, so I’ll drop this here. Covid misinformation, China alarmism, election conspiracies etc.

The other thread is waiting….

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I’ve had some awful bosses before, but this…

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Hangings are easier to recover from when you’re “in good shape”. That’s right.

Eventually these fucking lunatics are going to murder a sitting politician. When the GOP refuses to do anything about that, it’s curtains for real.

LOL they’re still going with this shit!

I’m sure Clarence and Sam can find privelege regardless.

There’s literally a handwritten note from Trump telling his toadies to disregard the election results, what an absolute fucking clownshow. Oh noes, he’s waived executive privilege, now we got him for sure. I’m sure these sealed 1/6 recordings will be the smoking gun that gets him once we jump through all the hoops to make them public.


v strong “we got him” vibes here

I just read the first few pages of Rubicon, about Julius Caesar. It describes the moments before he ordered his legions to cross the stream and he seemed to hesitate. Stay where he was, and his career was over. Cross, follow his ambition, and start a world war.

It didn’t bring to mind so much Trump (who took to treason completely naturally and easily), but Pence, struggling with what to do under pressure from this nutjob administration. Trump was hoping the threat of being hanged by these maga nutjobs would push him over! I’ve never seen Pence as remotely admirable, but at least he didn’t cross this particular Rubicon.

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They’re still not even enforcing subpoenas lolololol

I was reading about someone who lost their anti vaxxer dad and man it hit me again and how crazy the propaganda is. People completely disowning their kids and straight up dying. I was reading stories about dad’s and moms who were awesome loving parents become fat blobs of hate.

The 1% will be able to get people to do it whatever they want. We aren’t far off from people being told Its gods will theyr peasants and Theyre kings and they should be happy about it.

It will always be like this





Well it has to start somewhere. Still not holding my breath tho that it will actually mean anything ultimately as far as consequences go.

Each count of contempt of Congress carries a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of one year in jail, as well as a fine of $100 to $1,000. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

In b4 suspended sentence and fines converted to public service of producing his podcast.


Judge - “I think Mr Bannon has learned his lesson. I don’t think any punishment is warranted at this time.”

don’t worry guys law bros will save us

I’m guessing the MSM will talk about Brittany first.

What is the exchange rate from wegothims to convictions? I’m considering cashing them in.