The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Was just a dress rehearsal.

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Meanwhile the establishment wargames had toobin jacking off while role playing the Supreme Court


method acting. we just didn’t appreciate it at the time


I keep wondering how things would have gone if Trump had managed to force EUA for the COVID vaccines in October like he tweeted about and then he still lost the election. Would he have hyped the vaccines for a few weeks while they helped him then just stopped caring by mid-November? Would Trumpers have rushed to get the vaccines because Daddy made them available or would they have still been choking down hydroxychloroquine? Would he try to end the EUA out of spite?

If Trump told them to get vaccinated to own the libs, the deplorables would have all got vaccinated and run down a bunch of anti vaxxer protestors with their cars.

He actually tried, it was the only thing he ever said at rallies that got any deplorable pushback.


It was too late at that point.

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What I had in mind was making it part of the culture wars, like if he had told his cult early on that the Jew globalists and greedy Welfare Queen urban blacks were trying to steal all the vaccines for themselves and keep them from Real Americans, then Fox and QAnon and every other conservative institution in the US would have conducted a full court press to tell white Christians to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

This new iteration of the Village People is going to be lit!

The problem is for a year they were fed propaganda that the virus was just the flu and almost everyone survives and masks were stupid.

More than probably anything in their life. They lost friends and family. Family refused to see them. They dug their heels in deeper than anything.

Getting vaccinated after all that would have been admitting it was worth worrying about. that it wasn’t an over blown liberal hoax.

It was a hill they were going to always die on.

Pretty sure the fox etc started off being pro vaccine but the hard core on the right was having none of it.


This is a good point, my argument probably only works if vaccines are available on day one of the pandemic. Since stupid conservatives were always going to reactively resist being told by Big Government that they aren’t allowed to go to Olive Garden and berate a waitress, that was basically game over on even getting them to do anything.

There was a window last year before the election when conservatives were pretty gung ho about the vaccine. They were all about “Operation Warp Speed” and COULD NOT WAIT for the Trump vaccine because then Trump is the savior. Of course, Trump completely looked like he was going to try to push a vaccine WAY too fast with basically no testing at all, so Dems (rightfully) were skeptical, which contributed partially to the politicization of the vaccine.

Then, of course, Trump lost. And when the vaccine did start rolling out with legit testing and research, Dems were (again, rightfully) in favor of it, which then turned conservatives against it. Once Biden got into office, there was no turning back for the conservative base. Can’t give Biden a win, even if it means their own death.


Yes for sure. If he told them to get backed from
Day one they would get vax Ed. That’s why it’s a cult.

Just for the record I majored in English. I post on my phone and I can’t even see what I’m typing since it moves to the bottom

But whatever. You can all figure it out.


eh, if he told them day 1 to get vax’d more likely he wouldn’t have been the R nominee than them actually taking it. There’s always been an anti vaccine movement.


Logan Act violation! We got him!!!

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I was initially ticked about the stay, but the panel expedited merits briefing to Nov 30. The panel is all Obama/ Biden appointees. Thus, this is a good result. Now just have to see if the supreme court seeks to delay after an unfavorable decision for Trump.

It’s 10 months since the insurrection and they’re still struggling to collect evidence. Not looking good for what can be accomplished before the next congress and in the likelihood that Rs take over, pitches the whole thing. Or turns it around to investigate the investigators. And let’s face it, they won’t need evidence.

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There is literally nothing that could come out that would cause any meaningful consequence or reduction in political support from Republicans.