The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

So you’re saying there’s a chance?

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Nichols has been a member of the Federalist Society; once from 2003 to 2008 and again since 2018.[1]

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The answer is YES

This shit must get all the clicks.

Rudy is actually dumb enough to wind up in some kind of shit and he doesn’t have Trump’s invulnerability beads. Wouldn’t surprise me much if he actually gets got.

Have all his new sites failed? Email from MoveOn:

Donald Trump has found a way around the bans on his social media accounts.

Yes, that’s right: Trump is coming back to social media. And it’s thanks to Apple?!

Trump recently announced that he’s launching a new social media app, ridiculously called “Truth Social.” The app will launch in Apple’s App Store to “invitees” this month and to the public in early 2022.

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rudy’s best ROI move is to fake his own death, followed closely by going out like a martyr. the right is going to be putting up statues of him like general beauregard for a century as a way to scare minority neighborhoods.

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SSC, is that you?


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having an issue with the “most prepared nation” verbiage

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That was reported when it happened.

Everybody knows. His voters don’t care. Dems have no answer. The end.


$375m after $70m loss, while the lobbyists are shoveling money into room reservations. heh, looks like they hoped to sell for $500m in 2019. is there a worse crime family than trmps?

The company is hoping to fetch more than $500 million for the lease rights, or a price of about $2 million a room key, people familiar with the matter say. That would make the sale one of the highest-priced hotel deals ever by this popular industry valuation metric, according to data tracker STR Inc.

more concerning is that he probably won’t need to–well until his 2028 campaign

That sale price is ludicrous, few if any hotels have ever traded for more than $1 million a room.

But think of all the added value from the Trump brand! You can’t sell watered down $25 cocktails to deplorables without it.


Feels like a million years ago when awval was cheerfully buying cocktails at the Trump Hotel.


so is the buyer bailing trmp out here? according to wiki and articles from 7-8 years ago, the lease promised at least 200m put into renovations, which i fully expect them to lie out of both ends. in that it probably cost a ton more than they realized, but it was shuffled around from one llc to another, trying to redirect the money back into their pockets somehow.

the wiki on this is really hilarious and should be photobombed with nic cage gifs.

Local residents and advocates of historic preservation expressed a number of concerns about the successful Trump bid.[120] Preservationists stated that Trump would not respect the historic nature of the building[120] and had almost no experience renovating historic properties.[119]

In response, government officials stated that the United States Commission of Fine Arts (whose secretary signaled heavy scrutiny for any changes) would need to approve any redesign.[120] Trump dismissed concerns that he lacked experience with historic buildings, pointing to his redevelopment of Grand Central Terminal in New York Cityand the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida.[121] The Trump Organization bid touted the involvement of Arthur Cotton Moore, a noted local architect who had earlier renovated historic buildings within the area and had helped design the Old Post Office Building renovations during the 1970s.[118]

In the summer of 2012, The Trump Organization asked the District of Columbia to waive possessory interest taxes on the Old Post Office Building.[129] The possessory interest tax was estimated at about $3 million in 2012, although it would likely be far more once the property was fully redeveloped. D.C. tax officials denied the waiver.[130] Pedro Ribeiro, a spokesperson for Mayor Vincent C. Gray, said, “It was never part of the bid proposal that the project would not be subject to the tax.” David Orowitz, the Vice President for Acquisitions and Development in The Trump Organization, said that the denial of tax waiver was not a surprise and would not change the financial calculations of the company’s bid.[131] Donald Trump later denied seeking any tax waiver.[132][133]

However, Moore left the effort for health reasons within a year.[122] Another preservationist architect, John Cullinane, who had been working on the project resigned “because I couldn’t support what they were doing to the building… [t]hey were covering up or tearing out everything that was historic…”.[123]

He sure owned the libs with that, didn’t he?